We Danced


I was cleaning up behind the counter at the bar I worked at here in downtown Los Angeles. I went over and grabbed the broom and dust pan before I went and started sweeping the floors from all the chaos that went on just a few hours ago. I always worked the night shift, from 2:30 in the afternoon to about 8 or 8:30 every single night.

After cleaning the floor for a bit, I heard a slight noise and looked up. A woman stood there with medium-dark hair, which looked about in her early 20’s from what I could tell. She lightly smiled as she stared over at me. I didn’t move; all I could do was stand there; she was gorgeous, the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.

After just standing there for the next few minutes, I began to speak. “Ma’am, I’m sorry but we’re closed…” I trailed off, smiling lightly over at her. She smiled back before softly replying back, “I know, but I think I left my purse when I had to leave earlier,” she smiled over at me before shifting her eyes to the floor. Her dark brown eyes glowed from the remaining light inside.

“I put one back here behind the bar, I bet it’s probably yours,” I said, pointing back over behind the main counter. The next thing I knew, we were both sitting at the bar, lost in conversation. We learned a lot of things about each other as we continued to talk. Her name was Candace and she was 23, just like I was. “So, Candace,” I breathed softly, smiling over at her. “What do you like to do in your free time?” I questioned, smiling over at her.

“Um, besides always coming here to hang out with a few of my girlfriends on the weekends, and working a lot during the week, I love to draw. It’s a big passion of mine. What about you?” she asks, smiling over at me, pushing a strand of hair out of her eyes. “Uh, well, besides working here, I love to spend time at home with my brothers and family. I love to sing and dance, it’s a huge passion of mine and I love entertaining people. I also love to make people laugh and have a good time wherever I go,” I smiled. “That sounds awesome. So, you sing?” she asked.

I nodded, smiling. I stood up and went over and dimmed the lights a lot and turned on some music before walking back over toward Candace who was still sitting, with a smile on her face. “Would you like to dance with me?” I asked, holding out my hand toward her direction. She nodded and grabbed my hand. After helping her up, I led her to the middle of the floor and began singing. “Hello beautiful, how’s it going? I hear its wonderful in California…I’ve been missing you, it’s true, but tonight, I’m gonna fly….” It’s been a long time since I’ve sang this, let alone without Nick singing with me or Kevin on guitar.

Soon, I finished up and just stared over at her, smiling. As I held her close, I took in the amazing smell of her perfume. I really didn’t know what it was, but it smelled good. Faithfully by Journey started blasting through the speakers. This was one of my all-time favorite songs by Journey along with Don’t Stop Believin’ and Separate Ways (Worlds Apart). I’ve liked them ever since I was little.

For the next few minutes, we danced to a couple more songs by Journey and held each other close before sitting down to talk a bit more. We continued to sit there and talk endlessly for the next few hours. She looked over at me before starting to speak. “I’m sorry, but I really think I should go. I need to get some sleep for work tomorrow. I’ll see you again soon?” she asked smiling over at me and handed over a small piece of paper and put it in the palm of my hand. I was speechless; all I could do was smile.

I slowly nodded my head as I looked back over at her, in a slight daze. She smiled over at me before grabbing her purse and headed for the door. I followed close behind her so I could lock up once she left. I smiled over at her once more; she smiled back and came closer, kissing my cheek softly before walking away. I couldn’t help but smile as I started locking the door, including the screen in front of it so nobody could get in, for safety precautions. After locking it up, I finished cleaning up before grabbing my stuff and heading out the back.

Once I got back home, I walked in to my room and fell fast asleep. I couldn’t help but dream about Candace and how beautiful she was even though we only met hours before. I wondered the next time I would see her, only time will tell. A couple hours later, I opened my eyes to find out that it was 10:30. It hit me soon after, was I late for work? That was when I realized I had the day off. It was good to finally have a day off, I haven’t had one off in a while. I mean, I work almost 7 hours straight every weekend and some weekdays.


I thought it was too good to be true, but I fell for her instantly and we’ve been hooked since. Now, it was the day before our 3 month anniversary and decided to ask her to marry me. I knew this was so soon to pop the question, but she was the one for me and I only wanted her. After she got off work, she decided to stop by and see me. I was pretty happy to see her, because of what I was about to do. When my eyes met hers from across the empty bar, I smiled as I tossed my towel and apron down on the counter before running over to her.

She smiled and pulled me closer as I made it over to her. Pulling her in to a slow kiss, I held her close in my arms. Even though it’s only been 3 months, I’ve wanted to ask her to marry me ever since that first night we met here. After pulling away from the kiss, I reached in to the pocket of my shirt and pulled out a diamond ring. As she looked down at the ring I was holding, I could see her eyes fill up with tears.

I didn’t even ask the question, all she did was pull me in her arms and kiss me hard and full on the lips. Pulling away slowly, I grabbed her hand and slid the ring on to her finger. “I’ll only marry you on one condition…” she said and pulled me closer. I tightened my arms around her waist and pulled her in to my chest as we slowly swayed back and forth under the dim lights. For the next hour or so, we danced and held each other close, never wanting to let each other go. I knew she was mine forever and I was never going to ever let her go.
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one shot (:
please comment and let me know what you think!
i do not own a single thing, the song credit goes to Brad Paisley!
let me know what you think ♥ i would love to hear what you guys think of how this turned out. (: