Lip Gloss Lies

Lip Gloss Lies

Frank lay flat out on the sofa, blankets wrapped tightly around his small frame. The house was fairly quiet, apart from the fact that his friends were all gathered around him, whispering furiously and smirking; Make- up time! Mikey, Gerard, Bob and Ray all huddled around the small sofa. Gerard began to fish around in his moms vanity case, smirking at his treasured findings.

Gold, gold that was going to make Frankie, his pansy

“Shhhhh! Your gonna wake him you jerk!” Gerard spat to his kid brother Mikey.

“I know! that’s my aim! This is wrong Gee, wrong! He is my best friend! Look at him, peacefully sleeping; your all gonna ruin his pretty face!”

“Oh be quiet! Your never any fun! Now shut up and hold the lippy!”

With that, Mikey zipped his mouth shut, kinda how you suddenly zip your jacket in the coldest of winters. Gerard took the bright red lip stick from his brothers hand, and began his work of art. He slowly brought the tube down to Franks innocent, full lips and began to draw lightly. After leaving a venerable Frank with blood red lips, he took the eyeliner and began to work on his eyes, drawing thick rings around them. Every one sat around, watching Frank sleeping peacefully, as Gerard conjured us his sinfully horrible piece.

Once he had finished making his Crushes face up, berry red lips, black panda eyes, electric blue eye shadow and bright Barbie pink cheeks, he pulled the girlist and mostirremovable Nail polish he could find out, and took Frank’s hand. He began to paint slowly, so enough he could see the shadow of the brush on the others fingernails, casted from the dim lights. Within a few minutes, he had finished, he stood up and admired his piece of art... Frank, Made up!

“Tadaaaaa!” Gerard squeaked with pride.

“So fucking mean Gee, so fucking mean! Nobody would ever guess you were in love with the poor guy!” Mikey muttered, a smirk plastered on his face.

“SHUT UP! Argg I knew I shouldn’t have told you! What if he heard you huuuh!” Gee shrieked, now embarrassed.

“Nah, sleeping beauty is out for the count Gee, but you should tell him, we have all come to the decision that he lurrrves you too!” Ray added all excited and giddy.

With that, the guys settled down, and drifted off to sleep. All except Gerard. He set himself next to Frank on the huge sofa, just watching him sleep. He must have seen his chest rise and fall a hundred times, but every time he breathed, Gerard felt something. Butterflies in his stomach, it was a live and ticking bomb, and it was ready to explode. Gee continued to watch his Friend in admiration, but as Gerard was about to lay with Frank, he started to stir. His eyes shot open, and instantly knew something didn’t feel right…his face! He bolted up, and ran to the mirror the other side of the room. Gerard just waited.

“Gerard Arther Way, what the FUCK have you done!” Frank screamed, well sort of whispered screamed, trying not to wake the rest of the clan up.

Gerard heaved himself up, and walked over toward Frank, smirking.

“I was just messing, do you like your nails? My fave bit!”

“I fucking hate you!”

“Oh but, you don’t! The guys, seem to think that you lurve me!” he said knowingly, a grin across his face, but inside of his, those butterflies had minutes to live, they were bursting out in a matter of seconds.

“I er, I - I DON’T!” Frank chimed, trying to hide the shameful truth, he did love his best friend. Gerard Way.





It seemed like neither was going to win this battle, so the logical thing to do was to walk away, let those butterflies die, shrivel and curl at the tails; they chose the other option. Walking forward to meet Frank, Gerard crashed his lips and hips to Franks, his tongue begging for access into the smaller guys mouth. Frank graciously accepted his offer to make the kiss deepen. They kissed passionately for what seemed like an eternity, but in reality, a matter of minutes. They both pulled away, shocked, taken back with what they had just done, but both realising they liked it.

“I KNEW IT!” Bob screamed.

Frank and Gerard jumped from their skins, and looked around to see they other 3 guys, starting with different expressions. Bob had one of those faces as if to say ‘ I told you so’, Mikey, a grin stuck to his face, and Ray the same as. They looked at each other and smiled. Gerard grabbed Franks hand and laced their fingers together and pulled him back onto the sofa.

“Like the make over now?” Gerard smiled to Frank, knowing that if he hadn’t have made his friend up, none of this would have happened.

“Fucking love it, just like I love you” he replied giddily. After that, no words were exchanged. They looked deep into each others eyes, falling asleep content and in love.

[Lip gloss lies, doing the time, never gonna miss what I left behind…

And that was that, Gerard, Frank and make up, conjured true LOVE