Status: Finished--I'll keep you posted---please remember that these are texts so don't report.

The Friendship Before it was Destroyed!

July 1, 2010

July 1, 2010


(u skating tonight)

U going w/ tyler?

Haha can I bring nic… We were supposed to hang out.

Uhmmmm his buddy luke…. Id have to see if they want to go.

Haha no haha

He said u were going out….


Yea hes a cutie though. If I was younger I would have dated him. Like 4 years younger haha

Haha 17th I wish I was 18

Yea haha. Im only one year older than nic. Its not illegal…yet. Haha

2 haha. its considered rape haha

Haha that’s between me and Nicolas. Haha. We haven’t gone to far.

That’s scary haha! When were ready. Were not yet. Maybe after I graduate. Idk yet

Yea I know. We wont be having kids for another 10 years. Ill make sure of it.

Haha! My bf likes his man hood. Destroy me not him <3

Whhat do you mean?

Haha <3 yea. Dont hhurt him. I may not be trained to fight but I can kick ass if I have too.

Poor kid.

Haha… Ur scary!

Oh he tells me!

Haha nah ur cool!

Thanks :) so…. What classes might u do if it doesn’t conflict with ur sched?

:( im not doing alot either

Modern ballet and acro


Ew. No thanks

I dont like the class cuz im low in it. I started last year. Ill be in c next year

Confidence I see haha. I really good. Im a really good dancer.

Noo?? Haha

Nice job. Ive only had once collision in acro. Everyone stays out of my way

Im not even close to amazing im just good compared to the class

Haha okay! Ill try not to… Sorry for the late response btw I was eating


Hola, como esta?

U always manage to text me at the wrong time haha

Hey chill

Whatcha mean?
