We Never Get Caught

A Break In, and a Scheme

Julies P.O.V

"Dammit Ray hurry up. Take the freaking diamond!"

"Julie for Pete's sake chill. The cops won't get here for another half hour. Besides this alarm system is high tech, it can't be tampered with."

"Don't even bring Pete into this."

"It's a figure of speech! Argh this thing is complicated!"

I took out my colt 45 and shot the glass it shattered and I took the diamond and shoved it in a bag. Alarms started ringing like crazy.

"Good fucking job Julie. You set off the alarms!"

"Bite me. Let's go."

We walked out the front door and took of our gloves and masks. I took out a wet nap and wiped the gun off then threw it in a garbage can. We walked into an ally and dissed our clothes and got changed back into our regular ones. Leggings mini skirt, Green day shirt for ray and the same for me but I had a Billy talent shirt on. We walked into a coffee shop and ordered cafe mocha each. (Coffee and hot chocolate mixed together) 20 minutes later we heard sirens.

"Oh My God what’s going on?" I said putting on a worried face. "Ray I'm scared."

Ray was trying not to laugh she soon got her giggles under control before the cashier noticed.

"Julie calm down lets go see what’s happening" she said

We got up and left the Coffee shop. We walked back to the Jewelry store we had just been in half an hour ago. Cops swarmed the place looking through everything. There were crowds of people around the barriers but we pushed our way to the front. A cop was looking at the shatter glass and asking the manger of the store questions. Ray tapped a cop on the shoulder.

"Excuse me sir what’s going on?"

He turned around and told her that someone stole a priceless jewel. They think it was an inside job because the door was not broken or anything. When he turned back around I smirked and lightly hit Ray in the arm. We headed for my car and drove back to my house.

Back at Julie’s House

We were eating a plate of cookies and talking about our latest scheme when my cell rang.


"I know what you did"

"Who is this?" I asked a little worried.

"Hey Julie its Pete."

"Pete what the hell you were scaring me."

"I'm real sure"

I let out a small laugh. He was right nothing scares me absolutely nothing. Ray on the other hand well lets she says she’s not that friendly, she’s very quite and doesn't open up. Thank god she has me and Patrick or else I don't think shed talk to anyone. Patrick is Rays boyfriend they met back in grade 8, and they have been going out ever since. That’s how I met Pete. I had just transferred to Chicago from a private school (Actually I was coming from Juvenile Hall but I didn't tell anyone that) Actually that’s where I met Ray. She was doing 6 months for armed robbery and so was I. Luckily I had a friend named Jesse, his dad was a lawyer so we had them bail us out. Jesse was steamed at us afterwards because we didn't give him half the profits, like we were going to anyway, plus we didn't have a criminal record anymore but he did we paid his dad to say that Jesse robbed the store and blamed us. He got 1 year in jail for that. Now he doesn't talk to us and is determined to ruin us. But we never get caught.

Soon after we got out we became super close friends. When my parents got killed my The Mass Media Murder Rays mom adopted me, that’s when our sister bond began. When we turned 16 Rays Mom was killed by a sell out Rock star bent on getting revenge. Our mom was the owner of a record company so she was a perfect target. Now we were completely on our own except for our boyfriends Pete and Patrick and their friends in their stupid band. I guess you could say Ray and I don't have a good relationship with the media in fact we hate it.

Back when we were 14, we made up killer names Rays was Cookie monster and mine was cookie whore. I'm not completely sure where we got them from but hey what are you going to do. When we were 15 we moved to Chicago. The next year when our mom died I went over the edge I got in a really huge fight at a concert because 1. I went there drunk. 2. I hate the Media. And 3. I was yelling how all the bands fucking sucked. Pete was there and saved me from total death that’s when we started going out. Now Ray and I are 18 and we are Cookie Monster and Cookie whore the Media killing duo of Chicago. One by one we knock the stars of the face of the earth our next target Hilary Duff. That’s what the diamond is for; frame and destroy.

Pete snapped me out of my thoughts

"So when will you be over?"


"My band practice when are you gonna be here?"

"Oh 20 minutes"

"Ok see you then babe."

"Bye Pete" I laughed and hung up.

For the millionth time Ray was going over the plan.

"Okay, so we plant the diamond in her purse when she signing autographs."

I nodded. "Then when she’s walking by all the security we will trip her and the diamond will fall out of her purse. By now they should have found the dead cashier in the Jewelry store so she will be blamed for the whole thing."

"Right" Ray nods "Then we tell the police to check the store camera for evidence. Seeing the one we fixed will be perfect I still can’t believe you filmed that and she believed it was a movie."

"She’s blonde what do you think?"

We both started laughing.

"Ok so the concerts tomorrow do you think we can ditch the boys for a few hours?"

"Yah tell them we are going shopping."

"You know Pete will want to come. That’s a dumb idea."

"IF he comes Ill ask him to buy me tampons that'll make him leave."

"LOL nice one"

Pete's P.O.V

The girls were supposed to be here 20 minutes ago where are they. OMG what if they we killed OMG my baby NO. Wait no she probably just forgot dammit she has bad memory. I just noticed that my clock hasn’t changed since I had my shower this morning. OH crap.
I ran downstairs just in time to hear the doorbell ring.

"I got it," I screamed

I answered the door and was greeted by two black haired girls smiling.

"JULIE!" I yelled picking her up bridal style and kissing her.

"I missed you so much"

"Pete I was just here yesterday" she laughed. God I love her laugh

"Did you hear? The Jewelry store was robbed?" Ray spoke up

"Really?" Patrick asked entering the hallway.

"Hi Patrick" Julie said grabbing my hand.

"Hey" he said grabbing Rays hand and leading her toward the living room.

"Well that was awkward" Julie said before totally forgetting about it and kissing me.
Patrick's P.O.V

"Rachael I need to talk to you" I said

"What’s up?" she said and smiled.

"I think umm wow this is awkward."

"I agree," she laughed.

I got down on one knee; I can’t believe I'm doing this.

Ray's P.O.V

"Rachael I need to talk to you" Patrick said sitting me down on the couch.

"What’s up?" I asked. This must be serious for him to use my full name.

"I think umm wow this is awkward." He stuttered OMG he’s found someone else he’s gonna dump me.

"I agree," I laughed awkwardly

He got down on one knee and produced a small box from his pocket. OMG

"Rachael will you marry me?"
♠ ♠ ♠
I know, it's kinda retarded right now, but it gets betterm juciy and down right outrageous!
stay tuned!

ex's and oh's