We Never Get Caught

A Scoundrel and a Killer

Ray's P.O.V

"Patrick" I said with tears in my eyes. "I can't-"

"What why!" He said now with tears in his eyes

"I want to but there is something about me you don't know"

"What is it?"

"I'm not sure you want to know."

"Anything, Ray I'll do anything for you to marry me."


Julie's P.O.V

"Anything, ray I'll do anything for you to marry me."


Oh no she didn't, she’s not blowing this. She can't tell I'll kill her! My hair started turning blue and my lips; shit no I'm turning into cookie whore crap! Our alter egos Cookie whore and Cookie Monster don't only act differently then us but they look different we still rob and steal as Julie and Ray but when we kill our hair eyes and lips change color, I don't know why but whenever we get really mad it happens and we are mad when we kill so do the math. I turn blue and ray turns red.

I busted in the living room and grab Rays arm, and pull her outside.

"Ray what the hell are you doing!"


"You were going to tell Patrick! You were going to ruin all our hard work! Why?"

"He asked me to marry him."

"What!!! You can't!"

"You're just jealous because Pete hasn't asked you yet! And that he’s fucking another girl behind your back!"

"Okay first off that girl said someone in Fall Out Boy how do we know it's not Patrick!"

"Because Patrick loves me! Pete only wants your body!"

"Oh that's it!"

I slapped her hard across the face, it left a huge red mark, and it matched her eyes that were now fiery red, while mine where ice blue. I felt the rage bubbling up inside me I knew any minute now Cookie Whore would come out and Ray would be dead meat (literally) So I turned on my heel and ran. I had to kill someone anyone. I stole a hoodie from a store and zipped it up, and started to walk around; when suddenly I saw Patrick what the hell I thought and decided to follow him. He turned into a dark ally-way and met someone they started making out and getting really rough about it if you catch me meaning *wink nudge* I was getting angrier by the minute he is messing around with some chick behind my sisters back! I ripped off the hoodie and approached the two people. It turns out the girl was Sam, a groupie who stunk backstage and peoples shows to hook up with the bands. I couldn't believe it. They couple didn't seen to notice Cookie Whores presence so she tapped them on the shoulder. Patrick came face to face with her looked in her eyes and an away screaming.

"Patrick come back" Sam whined Then turned to me "You ruined a nice make out session I hope your happy."

"You just ruined my sisters life that’s her finance you whore!"

"What! Who are you come into the light!"

Cookie whore stepped into the dimly lit alleyway to let Sam take one good look before she died. Her eyes went huge but she had to have the last word.

"Looks like it's you who is the Whore" she smirked

"I shall truly enjoy killing you" Cookie whore took out her sword and Sam backed up Cookie whore dared her to scream to say another smart ass remark before she quartered her leaving a chocolate chip cookies by her severed head. And then she ran. I started to change back to normal and take grasp of what had just happened. Oh my god I thought it WAS Patrick shit he’s probably going to tell the cops. I'm in deep shit! I saw a pay phone and made a dash for it I had to call Ray I knew only one person who could help us and I hope he is in a talking mood.
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I know, this chapters fucked too
thios was the very first story i ever wrote, cut me some slack,
the next cahpter does suck as much dick as these ones, i promise <3

ex's and oh's
you know the drill.