We Never Get Caught

The Plan

Ray's P.O.V

We walked up to the house, his house. I can't believe I let Julie talk me into this. It has got to be the stupidest idea ever. Okay so he's under house arrest now. Whoopdee fucking doo! He still wants to kill us.

"That's the idea" Julie sighed

I gave her a look.

"To kill us, that's the idea" She said again.

"How did you know what I was thinking?"

"Hello we are practically twins." She glared at me.

"So he will help us plan it?" I asked her.

"That's the idea. Make it look like murder or suicide"

"Suicide, I don't want to put more stress then necessary on Pete and Patrick."

She nodded, I swore I could have seen a tear fall down her cheek. But then the door opened and we stiffened up. He stared back at us with a blank look, and we just stared right back. Maybe he didn't recognize us, after 10 years what can you expect form the guy you put in jail, even through he was your best friend. To our surprise he pushed the door open a little wider to let us in.

His house was exactly as I remembered it. Pictures of the three of us still crowded the walls, smiling laughing, being happy before we became the monsters we are. I guess Julie was thinking the same thing because she burst into tears.

"I'm so sorry" she sobbed.

He came and sat next to her and hug her, She cried into his shoulder some more. When she finished he came over and hugged me.

"I can't believe you are forgiving us" Julie gasped.

"What are friends for?" he smirked.

Julie and I explained the whole story to him. He said nothing except for the occasional "i see" with a nod of his head.

"So will you help us, we need an idea." Julie begged.

"I will under on condition."

"What is that?"

"I die with you."

"What! No I don't want to ruin your life too!" Julie yelled.

"I can't live without you both again." he sighed.

"Very well." I agreed

"Ray what are you doing! I will not be a part of this."

"Julie we have to die its the only way to save Pete and Patrick and everyone else."

"But what will we do."

"Write a note and jump."


"Write a note confessing who you are and all three of us will jump off the bridge." He told us.

"How about we drive our car off?" I suggested.

"I like that" Julie nodded.

"It's agreed then. Meet me here tomorrow at 5 am. Write the notes to your lovers and leave. Leave everything there bring only yourself."

We both nodded, Julie hugged him and went out to the car. I hugged him again tears rolling down my cheeks.

"See you tomorrow" he smiled "Have fun tonight’s the last night" He kissed my cheek. I smiled.

"Thank you Jesse, thank you so very much."
♠ ♠ ♠
eh eh!
better isnt it.
one more chapter pretties!

i love ray bear <3