Never Forget..

Small World

"I'll always pray for you." Those were the words that came out of her mouth. Clarissa took a breath and looked at the floor. A tear drop rolled down her cheek and soon she walked away. The summer breeze blew to a sudden stop. Clarissa looked up and saw a figure coming out from the water at Sun Clay Beach. The suns rays were unbeatable and she couldn't come across who was the figure. "Eh, Who are you?" Clarissa is frightened and soon starts to get up slowly with a gasp. The figure soon fell with a quiet moan. Clarissa stopped and suddenly she walked towards the figure. When Clarissa reached to the figure, she noticed that it was a man around 18 who had passed out from the heat. She lifted his head up to her leg and gave the man water. "Are you alright? Can you get up well?" The young man coughed and sat himself up. "Yes.., I'm alright doll. But what are you doing out here? You can give your OWN a heat stroke. Oh and by the way, my name is Oliver." "Oh, hello... Um Oliver. I'm Clarissa. Would you like to come to my home and cool off?" "Thanks doll. But don't you think that I'm a little too much for you to care for?" "Oliver, No! You had a heat stroke. You could of died! Now come on, lets get you're stuff and I'll make you a bed."
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Now, I will try to make a chapter two when I have time kitties. Don't rush.