Never Forget..

Let's Go Home

The restaurant was dead silent. Oliver and the man were in a deep stare. Oliver had a firm grip around the man's arm. "I said, Let her go.." Oliver was furious. He didn't want to put Clarissa in harm. He didn't want the abusing to start again in her life. Oliver took a long stare and then suddenly he turned his head slowly towards Clarissa who was in fear. "Ha ha, what you got here sexy?.." claimed the man. Clarissa hesitated. She turned and looked at Oliver with a sudden sigh. "This is Oliver.. He has been with me since I was down the beach.. I even told Oliver about my childhood life while I was living with you horrible, dirty man." Clarissa was starting to get angry while tears start to show up. Oliver leaned over to Clarissa. "Doll, I promise to protect you no matter what." The man soon punched Clarissa in the face and the waiters came to the scene quickly. "Sir, we are gonna have to call the cops. You are out of control." The waiters grabbed the man but he quickly threw a punch at the waiters. "Your coming with ME! Lets go NOW!" The man grabbed Clarissa by the arm and then she let out a gasp. "LET ME GO! YOU TERRIBLE MAN!" Clarissa screamed with range. She tried to punch the man but he grabbed her other arm. Oliver quickly came in front of the man and punched the man in the face. The man suddenly pulled out a knife to Clarissa's throat. Clarissa stood, frozen. Her eyes closed shut. Tears pouring out of her face. Oliver was furious. One false move, She would be dead. Then suddenly, Oliver hears police sirens and Clarissa eyes open with relief. She bit her lip figuring that the man would have life in jail; but she would have to explain her childhood life all over again. Trying not to cry. The man took the knife away from Clarissa and ran. Oliver noticed and started to run, trying to get the man. But by the time Oliver reached him, He would be gone. Clarissa dropped to her knees and Oliver huddled over her; hugging her tight as if they were in an explosion. Clarissa started to cry and Oliver told her it will be okay. The police came in and asked the two what the man looked liked. Even Clarissa had to tell her childhood life. She stayed strong and didn't cry. When the police left, Oliver came over to Clarissa and hugged her tight. But the next thing that came out of his mouth is, "I Love You.." Clarissa's eyes watered. Oliver did what he promised Clarissa that he would do. She was lucky to have a guy in her life that will care and protect her through anything. Clarissa told Oliver that she Loved him too. Their hug unlocked and Oliver quietly told Clarissa, "Let's go home, darling.."
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Yes, it was another cliff hanger (; Haha.