Famous Last Words



They were taken. My best friends were taken from me. That was all I could think of for the last two months. The tour was ending soon and we would be heading to Panrosa to do whatever we could. I know for a fact that everyone was worried about me. Ever since Ronin told me that the people I loved had been captured I haven't spoken to anyone. Fate and Ronin had started teaching everyone how to use a ray gun just in case while I distanced myself from everyone. Right now, I was sitting in a park wherever we were as memories filled my head.
Gerard and I were walking through the park when the ground started shaking. I grabbed onto Gerard for my life as screaming started. All around us was smoke and fire. Gerard picked me up and started running. We made it to the Trans Am before any real damage had been done. I got into the car after Gerard put me down and we drove off, leaving behind a trail of dust, smoke and fire. We drove into the desert where we met up with everyone else who fled the city. I remember looking back and seeing that stupid black and white smiley face. It was that smiley face that ruined my life.
I remember the fires, the bombs, everything. I remember the fear and when we found out that I was the one that BL/ind wanted.
All around me, children were playing happily. I wish that I could be that happy. It's impossible when the man that I love is being tortured for me.
“Drae, Better Living captured some of the guys” Ronin said.
“Who? When?” I asked confused.
“Party Poison, Vengeance, Fun Ghoul, Gates, and Rev” he said plainly.
“When?” I asked again, tears pricking my eyes and my throat tightening.
“This morning.”
“No” I said shaking my head. He nodded and I ran inside. I saw Fate and clutched onto her. She knew exactly what was wrong.

“Draegan?” I heard Gerard say softly. I looked up at him not noticing that I had tears in my eyes. He sat down and pulled me into him. I grabbed him and refused to let go. As much as I didn't want to admit, I needed him right now. More than I ever needed someone before.
“How about we try to get your mind off of them and go on that date?” he whispered in my ear. I smiled and did my best to nod against his chest. He stood up with me still in his arms and we made our way somewhere, I can't say that I know because I wasn't paying any attention. Gerard talked to me about everything he could think of that didn't relate to Panrosa.
“Gerard, where are we going?” I asked him as I heard a lot of laughter and voices. He laughed gently.
“What better way to get your mind off of things than a fair?” I smiled at him and let him lead me to it. He bought our tickets and the first thing we went to was some spinning ride.

We played games all day, with Gerard winning me a giant stuffed lion, and ended the day perfectly with a Ferris Wheel ride. The moment that we were at the top, Gerard leaned over and kissed me. I couldn't help but to kiss him back. We pulled apart when we stopped. Gerard helped me out of the booth thing and held onto my free hand.
“Gerard, I love you I really do but until everything is over we can't be together as more than friends. I'm really sorry” I told him reluctantly. He nodded.
“I figured but I really wanted to kiss you. Maybe when this is all over we can try it” I smiled at that an agreed. Today was perfect. Tomorrow would be our last concert with a mini celebration and then we would go to Panrosa and deal with everything there. Hopefully soon I would be able to experience what it's like to date the man that I've loved for so many years.
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