Famous Last Words

I'm Not Okay


The tour ended today. Tonight was our last concert then we planned on having a small celebration. Well the others were planning on celebrating. Fate and Ronin insisted that we have someone patrolling at all times and it has me on edge. As much as I know that I don't have to worry because Kobra Kid, Mikey, Fate and Ronin would be patrolling the entire night, I couldn't help but to. I had this sick feeling in the bottom of my stomach that something was going to happen tonight.
“Come on babe loosen up a bit” Ryan said before we went on stage. I sighed and did my best to relax.
“I know you're on edge, we all are but everything will be fine.”
“I can't help it Ry, I just have this feeling that something is going to happen.”

The concert it's self passed with no problem. Frank and Zacky somehow managed to convince me to go to the after party. I didn't want to go but they had insisted. After we were done at the venue, we went back to the hotel to get changed. Fate, Serephina and Kobra Kid insisted on picking my clothes. I didn't feel comfortable at all. I hated wearing dresses and I hated flats.

I was dragged into the club that we were holding the after party at. The moment I saw how backed the club was I started to get claustrophobic again. The three couples were dancing and the guys of my band left to go get some drinks, leaving me alone. I found Gerard and the rest of the Avenged guys and sat with them.
“Not a dancer?” Matt asked me as I sat down.
“No I love dancing, I hate crowds and closed spaces.” I replied. I felt Gerard put his hand on my knee in a reassuring way. I smiled at him briefly before Johnny went to get drinks. Gerard and I were the only ones who didn't get alcohol. When Johnny returned, he gave us our drinks then left again.

The night passed smoothly until we left. We were walking back to the hotel when I noticed that everyone who was supposed to be patrolling wasn't around. Fate and Mikey weren't aloud to carry their guns when we went to the club so Kobra Kid and Ronin were supposed to patrol. Kobra Kid couldn't be seen by people so he followed through the trees and alleyways. Ronin was supposed to meet us a block away from the club. He hadn't. We kept walking just in case he was a little further. He never met up with us. I knew that should have been a sign that there was something wrong but it didn't click until it was too late.
We had stopped to try to get a hold of Ronin. I heard a laser gun go off then a burning sensation through my back. I knew this feeling. I turned around to see who it was, when I was shot again. I clutched my stomach before dropping to my knees. More lasers were fired and I felt someone grab onto me. I looked up to see Gates picking me up carefully. I gripped onto him and looked over to see a dead Drac on the ground. The pain flared and I was slowly going out of consciousness.
“Slayer, what hurts?” I heard someone ask me.
“Everything” I mumbled. I couldn't see faces just blurs of darkness and color.
“Her wounds are fatal. We have to get her home soon.” Everything faded and the darkness took over.

Party Poison

We were all in different cells. All around me was blinding white. The sirens started going off and I saw a bunch of Dracs running down the hallway. A bunch of laser beams sounded before footsteps came. Christ and Shadows came and unlocked the doors to our individual cells. We grabbed all of the items that were taken from us then got the hell out.
“How long were we there for?” Fun Ghoul asked.
“Two months. Night Slayer has been worried sick about you guys. It took us a little while to find you” Christ replied as he drove back to zone 4.
When we made it back to the hideout, Ryce informed us of what was going on with Ronin, Kobra Kid and Draegan. We didn't even get time to change out of our bloody and torn clothes before we left for Earth. I saw Draegan get shot as she turned around. We all shot at the Drac that shot her with most of us hitting him. Gates and I ran to Draegan and Gates picked her up.
“Slayer, what hurts?” I asked her.
“Everything” she mumbled. Shadows looked her over.
“Her wounds are fatal. We have to get her home soon” Shadows said. I could see Draegan's body fall limp and cursed silently.
“Let's get her home then. Kobra Kid and Ronin will get your guys' stuff and meet us there. Come on” I said and led the large group to an alley where we created a portal to Panrosa.
“Is she going to be okay?” Fun Ghoul's other half asked.
“If we get there in time, Jet and Shadows will do their best to save her.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Draegan Concert
Draegan After Party