‹ Prequel: Just One Little Kiss
Sequel: Photograph Me

Kiss Me


One week after I had kissed Kaylent, I was standing in the middle of a sidewalk on a busy street, looking around as the people passed me by. Some stared, others ignored my irrational behavior.

I'd been standing here for about five minutes, mouth agape, disbelief in my eyes, because I had just received a call saying the company that boy Kaylent worked for wanted me to model for them.

My first response was to ask if they were insane, and when the nice woman told me she was being perfectly honest, I screamed yes so loud I think my eardrums hurt.

Then after I hung up the phone, I jumped around in euphoria and hugged a whole bunch of strangers, some who hugged back, others who were ready to give me a black eye.

I looked down, at the phone in my hand.

I forgot to ask where, when and what to wear, how to put my hair, what I need to bring with me...

Eyes widening, I hurriedly went under previous calls and dialed the woman's number.

"Hello, Toppin, is that you? I was wondering when you were going to call back. You didn't get the meeting time." She said in a jovial tone.

I chuckled nervously. "Yeah...I didn't think of it until now...So what do I need to do?" I asked, and she told me.

I looked at my pad of paper I had written the information down on. "So this Friday, two days from now at the studio on 34th Street and just wear whatever because they have hair and makeup people and clothes already there?" I repeated, to make sure I had it all.

"That's it, dearie. See you at the shoot. Oh, and by the way, my name's Mellie." She said, and then we said our goodbyes.

The rest of the way home from school, I couldn't keep the smile off my face.

Maybe twenty minutes later, I walked into my apartment. It wasn't a grand pent house suite, but it was nice. Hell, It would be heaven to most of the NYC citizens.

As I walked in, I saw that two of my pets were here, there was Chester the puppy with his paws on Tulu's body, staring intently at the older cat.

They looked over at me, and ran towards me. "Hey babies." I whispered, "Where's Kessie?" I asked, looking around.

Chester yipped loudly and ran into my room, then ran back out to see if I was coming before continuing back into the room.

I laughed, and followed him to my room to see Kessie licking his paw clean as he curled around a computer mouse.

"Aww, Kessie." I cooed, and picked up the kitten I got at the same time as I got Chester. The small creature licked my arm before snuggling up against me. "Alright, alright, I'll let you sleep." I told him, and set him down in the pet bed. I didn't bother getting a different one for all of them because they all slept together.

The other two climbed in with him, and as Tulu curled around the smaller feline, Chester rested his head on the kitty's fluffy tail fur, pressing his body against the both of theirs.

Sighing, I went into the kitchen to find something to eat. I was surprised to see my mother there. My parents were never home. My mom was looking at me, "Hello Toppy." She said, a bright smile on his face as she kissed my cheek and pulled me into a hug.

"Mom?" I asked surprised. She wasn't due home for another two weeks.

"I was in the neighborhood on my tour for my book, and I decided I'd spend the night at home, that alright with you?" She asked, looking at me expectantly.

"O-Of course mom!" I said, "I'm so glad you're home." I told her, and hugged her once more, smiling.

"Good." She said smiling, "Then I'll just start on dinner."

At Dinner...

I looked across the table from my mother. "Mom, I got a job offer today." I said, setting my fork down so I didn't choke on food while trying to talk.

"Oh really dear? That's wonderful." She said, a smile on her face.

"It's at a modeling company." I continued, still not picking up my fork.

"That's great honey." She continued, eating as she spoke.

"I got the job because about a week ago, they brought me in before I got to school to kiss this boy, and I did, and then I gave them my number because one of the photo shoot people said I might get a job and a woman named Mellie and she said I got a job....Please don't be mad." I said, looking at her cautiously.

She had stopped eating and was just looking at her plate, but it wasn't a bad expression, just a thoughtful one. Then she looked up, "So if I see pictures of you and some random boy kissing, I shouldn't be worried?" She asked and I nodded.

"Oh, and they paid me a few hundred dollars for the shoot; three to be exact." I said, not able to keep the smile off my face.

My mom smiled, and put her hand across the table to hold mine. "Know that I support you what ever you decide to do. Just make good decisions to stay away from bad people." She said, and I nodded.

"Will do mother." I said, and finally began eating her amazing cooking. "I love you mom, by the way." I added, and she smiled.

"I love you too Toppy." She responded, and blew me a kiss.

Laughing softly at her, I blew her one back.

Today was an amazing day.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chester and Tulu

yes, i have a small fascination for pets and animals because i don't have any of my own:( but i can have nintendogs!!!!:D haha