‹ Prequel: Just One Little Kiss
Sequel: Photograph Me

Kiss Me


I woke up with a killer headache, groaning and remembering that I had absolutely no fucking idea what happened last night.

The last thing I can remember was that Griffin took us all to some gay bar, and then next thing I know, I’m waking up in bed….not in my home.

I looked around the room that I was in, seeing the light coming through the modern blinds. The room was nice and neat; it could have been a show room in one of those ‘model homes’ in a magazine.

The only part out of place in it was me.

I was already sitting up, but I decided that I would rather get up and find out where the Hell I was before I stayed here and fell back to sleep or something.

I stumbled to my feet, cursing my pounding head.

I looked down to see that I was in my jeans and boxers. I pushed the jeans down a little on the side I was sleeping on, seeing little red marks as the harsh fabric pressed against my hip. I better not have a shoot today that shows my hips.

I walked out of the room, realizing that my cell phone and wallet were not in my pockets where they had been when I’d entered the bar, or lying around the room.

When I opened the door, I noticed a corridor with three other doors leading off of it. I’m guessing two more bedrooms and a bathroom. I tried the door on my right, and luckily enough found the bathroom on the first try.

After taking a piss, I ventured down the hallway to where there was an arch into the next room.

There, I saw two people; Griffin and Jeremy, and they didn’t look happy at seeing me. When I paused to collect my bearings, they both started saying thing at the same time in loud, angry voices, the both of them furious as fuck, but there was one part that stuck in my mind.

“Who the fuck do you think you are that you can run around stealing innocent boys’ virginities!?”

The words had come from Griffin’s mouth, Jeremy bitching about how irresponsible I was. “Hold the fuck up….I did what with who?” I asked, looking at them with wondering eyes.

What exactly went on last night?

“How convent of you to forget what happened.” Griffin growled and Jeremy placed a hand on his arm gently, having collected his thoughts and realizing that screaming will get them nowhere.

“They were rather wasted…” He said and Griffin glared at me.

“That’s no excuse.” He said, and looked like he was about to go off again, but Jeremy cut him off with his lips.

“How about you go and get the sheets from the room he slept in and I’ll talk to him?” He asked, knowing that his lover would take my head off if he were to talk to me.

Griffin sighed, knowing exactly why he was asked to leave for a moment, before kissing Jeremy’s cheek and walking out of the kitchen towards the room I woke up in.

“Have a seat.” Jeremy gestured to a chair across the small table from him and slid a glass and two white painkillers my way. I took them without asking any questions. “You don’t remember what happened last night, do you?” Jeremy asked, and I shook my head.

“Not a thing. I remember going to the gay bar with you guys, nothing after that.” I said, suddenly feeling really tired.

“I am not going to say anything to you because you need to learn from your mistakes. Soon enough, you’ll find out what you did wrong, and you’ll realize something.” He said and stood up. “I’ll get you some clothes and take you to work this morning.” He said and started walking off.

“Wait!?” I called after him, standing up too quickly for my head. “That’s it? I supposedly did something with some boy according to Griffin and you just say some cryptic shit about ‘learning from your mistakes’? Jeremy, tell me what the fuck happened.” I demanded, and he looked over at me, a frown on his face.

“You’ll find out soon enough when we get to work. Get dressed.” He said and left, coming back and throwing clothes at me.

I barely had enough time to shower and put on the fresh clothes before Griffin was banging down my door and telling me to hurry the hell up.

Finally I was in the car, sitting behind Griffin, Jeremy driving. When I had climbed in, I heard Griffin mutter the word disgusting liar but other than that, no other words were spoken.

Jeremy drove, parking at the modeling company and climbing out. He turned to me before letting me walk on. “I’m letting what happened slip this one time, but next time this happens? You’re done here.” He said and turned around, leaving.

I ran my hand over my face, the realization of how badly I fucked up filling me. I walked to where Griffin’s place was, him having gone right there after giving Jeremy a quick kiss. I was surprised I didn’t feel disgust when they were kissing all morning.

I sighed, realizing I must have been too caught up in my thoughts and my raging headache to be disturbed by their…closeness.

Finally I made it to Griffin’s studio; I stepped into the room, and as my eyes met Toppin’s, everything started coming back to me.

♠ ♠ ♠
two updates that quickly together?

I think yes.

I also think yes to MORE COMMENTS:D

