‹ Prequel: Just One Little Kiss
Sequel: Photograph Me

Kiss Me


I remember what happened and it struck me like a blow to the groin.

I was appalled to remember that I had done such things with this boy. I shivered as the emotions came back to me.

Honestly, I had enjoyed what I was doing while I was doing it with another male!

Toppin and I remained frozen; I couldn’t think of anything to say to him.

Finally, our silence was broke by a rather angry voice. “What the hell is wrong with you!?” I was surprised to hear Necalli scream. “You asshole who is cowering in the closet like a scared child! If you are going to date my little Toppin, you are going to do it right goddamnit! You’re going to be fucking romantic and take him on a date to a cute little restaurant and tell the waiter that you want a place a ‘little more private’ that what she tries to give you and coo at him and tell him he is the cutest fucking thing you have ever seen. You’ll buy him things and goddamnit there better be flowers.” He finished.

I was rather appalled at the two boys staring at me. That Necalli was so angry about this even though Toppin, the boy I was with was perfectly calm made no sense.

Toppin giggled a little, ignoring his friend’s rant, “You’re such a hopeless romantic.” He murmured, biting his lip and putting his hands up by his face; his oversized hoodie making him look almost child-like.

I still had no idea what to say, and though Toppin and Necalli had gone into a discussion about how true the smaller boy’s comment was, I was rendered speechless yet again.

I saw Griffin come into the room from the changing room with three different outfits in his hands. I realized too late that one of them was mine until he handed it to me.

“Why am I wearing this?” I asked him, wanting to know the reason that I was going to be in the shoot as well; I thought I was supposed to just mentor the boy, not be in shoots with him.

“Think of it as a little added work that you have to do.” Was all Griffin said as Necalli and Toppin went, chatting away into the changing room.

I stood there stunned. “So I can’t model for the big companies, but I can do it for some stupid little shit?” I asked, angry now. “Do you have any idea what this will do for my reputation? People will start to think that I wasn’t good enough to do the big roles.” I said, and Griffin practically ignored me, not speaking as he got his camera out and cleaned the lens, checking various parts to make sure it was in good condition from the last time he’d used it. “Griffin!” I said loudly, demanding his attention.

He looked up at me with almost…disappointment in his eyes. “Look, this is how it’s going to play out. If you do this shoot and help Toppin, really mentor him for a little while and not try and get him wasted and bed him, mind you, then we’ll let the public know that you were mentoring a fellow model and that you’re a blessing to humanity. If you don’t, then it’s not going to go down so well. You will be left to your own devices and most likely, those big named companies will no longer want someone who ‘blew them off’ for small jobs without a proper excuse.” He said, surprising me.

It seemed that I was seeing a different side of everyone today.

I sighed and glared at him. “Whatever.” I hissed and turned on my heel, heading towards the changing room.

Once inside, I saw Toppin slipping his shirt over his head. He turned and saw me and flushed. I looked away, and my cheeks did not match the color of Toppin’s. Why did I fucking blush?

I shrugged it off and headed around the corner in the small room to where my clothes and things were always kept. I stripped down all the way, noticing that there was a pair of boxers there as well.

I slipped all of the clothes on, realizing that the pants were to be worn with my boxers showing a little. I grunted as I put them on, not really liking the style. I didn’t enjoy feeling like my ass was hanging out all the time.

I saw a belt on the ground; I guessed I had dropped it and picked it up, slipping it on with a relaxed sigh, happy that I wouldn’t have to be pulling the skinny jeans up all the time. They were slightly bigger than my hips.

I pulled the shirt on, only now seeing the rips all over it. I frowned but knew that there must be a reason for it. Photographers didn’t usually tell their models what they were doing before they did it.

I walked back outside; Necalli and Toppin were already there.

Griffin began to speak, telling us that we were doing this for some new brand of perfume. It was called Devils Angelic Delight, and guess who happened to be the devil?

That was the reason for the torn shirt. Necalli would be standing between Toppin and I. Toppin was dressed in all white, me in all black; he was obviously the angel, and I was the devil.

I couldn’t help but think of how ironic it was that we were being separated, a barrier between uswhen there was nothing there last night.
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I think i'm updating pretty well:D
