‹ Prequel: Just One Little Kiss
Sequel: Photograph Me

Kiss Me


The next day I went to school, butterflies in my stomach the whole time. Yesterday I had a pretty easy time pretending that nothing had happened between Kaylent and I, but now that was all different. For that shoot we didn’t have to be close to one another, not really.

For the shoot that we were doing today, though was different. I wasn’t told exactly what it was about, but Griffin did sort of warn me that we would be close.

A sigh slipped past my lips as I thanked Chester for taking me to the school. I wasn’t one of those people who when they walked into a room, everyone knew their name. I was lucky to have one friend in each class, but that was about it.

As I walked into my first block, I was unaffected by the chatter and mindless gossip that was going on, realizing that there was no chance that it would be at all related to me as I headed for my seat in the front left corner of the room, by the windows that I would stare out.

My friend who sat behind me, Allie was smiling at me with that ‘I know something you don’t’ smile.

“Yes Allie, what would you like to tell me?” I asked, turning in my seat.

She giggled, trying to hold in the information before she couldn’t help it and blurted it out. “I saw your billboard!” She squeaked out, “I saw it over the weekend and I’m horrified that you didn’t let me know.” She said, too smiley to really be mad at me. “So, who is that other model you were working with?” She asked, and when I saw the tell-tale hair twirling, I could see that she liked what she saw of him.

I rolled my eyes a little, giggling. “His name is Necalli and he doesn’t quite swing your way.” I told her, hoping to give her the hint.

She pouted, then turned to smiles once more. “Well then you can have him!” She said, “Are you two dating?” She questioned and I couldn’t help but laugh a little at her words.

“No, Necalli is just a friend.” I told her.

She seemed to be contented with my answer, but pointed a finger at me. “Well, I am going to make it your job to find yourself someone hot, and if you do meet any cute straight guys well…don’t hesitate to give him my number.” She said and I nodded.

It crossed my mind to tell her about Kaylent and I, but I resisted the urge, deciding that as little people as possible needed to know what happened at that club that night, especially someone who was only a ‘school friend’. We’d never really talked out of school.

Throughout the day, I was surprised to find that people were staring at me, and pointing. It turned out that more than just Allie saw my billboard.

While I was feeling rather happy about the fact that people had seen my billboard, at the same time, I didn’t want it to bring a lot of unwanted attention. Friends who were only with you for money or fame weren’t the kind I wanted.

The day past, with me getting by without anyone trying to speak to me and I stood at the pick-up line, waiting for Chester to pick me up.

I frowned and pulled my phone out, checking to see that whether he had texted me and seeing that he had. I also had one from Necalli.

Apparently Chester went on a date with Mellie who he had been talking to in the office for a while and she said she’d have Necalli pick me up.

Looking up, I saw that indeed, Necalli was before me, sitting in his car. He waved once my eyes caught him.

I smiled and headed over to his car. “Ready to get to work today?” He asked. I nodded, telling him about how people saw my billboard. He congratulated me and told me he’d buy me some ice cream with gummy bears in it on the way to the shoot.

He found a drive in ice cream place and ordered us some, and when it got there, he reached out of the window to receive the two small cups, his shirt slipped up, revealing something that made me gasp.

“Necalli…” I breathed out, unsure if I actually saw what I think I saw. He paid the man and then realized where I was looking.

“Oh, I had a little work done.” He said, setting our cups of ice cream on the dashboard and pulling up his V-neck shirt so I could see the ink that was fresh on his skin.

I starred at it, the words Hopeless Romantic stretching from one hip bone to the other. “What did you do!?” I shrieked, my voice raising several pitches.

When I had gotten the job at the agency, the big thing that they cared about was that you didn’t get any tattoos or piercings that they did not approve of.

They accepted scars and things that you couldn’t change, but for the rest…it was something that you just didn’t do. “Did Jeremy say you could do that!?” I asked, my voice not lowering any.

Necalli bit his lip then. “Well…not quite. I was thinking of what we said yesterday and went down to this tattoo shop that this hot guy works at and asked him about it and it seemed like it would be fine so I decided that I would get it.” He said like he hadn’t’ just gotten himself fired.

I picked up my ice cream and started eating some, shaking my head and hoping that Jeremy didn’t do anything because of the boy’s rashness. Then again, Necalli has been with them for a while and he has been a good thing for them, so I didn’t think it would be much of a problem but still…sometimes I wondered about that boy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Necalli did whaaa?

if you want to see his tattoo, check out the sequel, it's the banner for the story:D

