‹ Prequel: Just One Little Kiss
Sequel: Photograph Me

Kiss Me


I sighed and slipped on the clothes I was given today, noticing that they were meant to be tight-fitting. I still had yet to know what we were going to be doing in our shoot today, but I heard from Necalli telling Toppin yesterday that we were going to be quite close to one another.

I shrugged it off, keeping my professional atmosphere and walked out to the studio in the outfit, seeing that there was a sofa and a television as well as a big, warm blanket on the couch.

I looked to Griffin who merely gestured toward the couch, waiting for Necalli and Toppin to get done changing before he would explain what we would do.

After another minute or so, the two boys walked out of the room, both of them also in regular clothes, coming to stand before the couch.

“The shoot today is essentially Toppin and Kaylent cuddling on the couch and Necalli watching T.V., sitting on the floor and leaning against the couch.” He said, not bothering to tell us what the shoot was for.

Griffin then came forward, giving us each directions as what to do. Necalli was just sitting there pretending he was bored while Toppin and I would cuddle together. The instructions were “familial cuddling, like an older brother and younger brother snuggling for warmth on the couch,’ whatever that means.

I laid down on the couch, passing the big blanket to Necalli and watching as Topping climbed on beside me, stiff as Necalli and Griffin tucked the blanket around us.

I wrapped my arms around Toppin’s waist, ignoring his soft gasp and whatever was going on in my mind and focusing on the job: cuddle with Toppin.

The boy relaxed a little into my touch and leaned back, resting his head on my chest as he focused on the television, a Christmas show coming on.

Necalli also settled into his place beneath us on the couch and watched as well.

I leaned down and nuzzled my nose into Toppin’s hair affectionately, brotherly, and heard Griffin’s camera click several times. I smiled, knowing that regardless of anything, I was still amazing at what I did.

I felt Toppin shift a little uncomfortably as I continued to worry over him, nuzzling and kissing him all over, like a nagging brother would.

Though I heard Griffin’s camera keep clicking, meaning he liked what he saw, I still felt Toppin’s resistance. There was just that tiny bit of him that did not want to be in my arms right now and I planned to rid him of that.

I reached around and began tickling the small boy, causing him to shriek and giggle with laughter, thrashing all around to get away from my fingers that tormented his tummy.

“Kaylent!” He exclaimed, tears at the corner of his eyes he was laughing so hard.

“Yes Toppin?” I asked and Necalli looked up at us, amused at my actions and Toppin’s extravagant reactions.

“E-Enough!” He said cutely, still laughing, unable to stop.

“What do you say?” I questioned, leaning into his ear and nipping it a little before urging him to speak.

“Uncle! Uncle!” He cried and I stopped teasing the poor boy, letting him catch his breath against my chest. “So…not fair.” He said, leaning back against me without any inhibitions. I smiled and once more captured his waist in my arms, the soft skin of his hips turning me oncuddling against him and being as ‘cute’ as I knew how to for the camera until the shoot was over.

After the shoot…

Toppin had just left the shoot with his friend Charter, leaving Necalli and I to walk to our cars on our own. “Hey, Kaylent.” Necalli said, looking over at me and pausing walking.

I nodded a little, begrudgingly acknowledging him. “Yeah?” I asked.

“Thanks for helping Toppin out, making him feel relaxed and everything. Though it was in fact your fault in the first place…” He said then shook his head as if to rid himself of the thought. “Anyway, some of us are heading out for a dinner, not like the club, just a regular dinner. You’re invited. It’s tomorrow night at six o’clock at Plazaro’s Place.” He said.

I recognized the name as somewhere that couples generally went but ignored my instincts and nodded. “Sure, I’ll go.”I’ll do whatever I have to, to play nice with Jeremy and Griffin and get my life and plan back.

“Great. Well, I’ll see you there!” He called as we had no shoot tomorrow that would be the only time all day I would see him.

I watched the hyperactive boy walk to his car, noticing his shirt slide up a little when he set something on top of his car to find his keys, seeing what I thought was a tattoo, but that’s impossible. What model would mar their body like that? Not one with any sort of career ahead of them.

I shrugged it off as the light playing tricks on me and made my way towards my own car, ready to go home and sleep until noon tomorrow.

I’ll need the time to clear my headof thoughts of Toppin.
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hope you enjoyed the chapter^.^

well, I have just completed: When It's All Over, so go check it out. That means that I will complete this story next!
There's about 20 or so chapters left, and I have five of them written. I hope to finish about mid-way through January, but hopefully sooner.
