‹ Prequel: Just One Little Kiss
Sequel: Photograph Me

Kiss Me


I yawned, pressing myself deeper into my warm bed sheets, not wanting to get up and face the day quite yet. It was a Thursday, which meant that I had to get up and go to school, but even so, I wished I didn’t have to get up into the cold weather.

I grit my teeth and slipped out of the bed, noticing that the car outside the window that I normally saw was not there. Chester’s car was replaced with another; Necalli’s.

I slipped on some clothes quickly and ran downstairs, opening the door and stepping outside, wishing I threw on a robe or jacket before coming out in the freezing weather.

Shivering, I knocked on Necalli’s window, waving for him to turn off the car and come inside. Once he did, I asked why he was here rather than Chester.

“Well Chester wanted to take Mellie out for some coffee, so I decided to take advantage of the situation and come tell you the news. Otherwise I would have called you as I forgot to mention it yesterday. “ He explained.

“Mention what?” I asked

“About the dinner tonight for some employees of our agency.” He said, “It’s at six o’clock pm at Plazaro’s Place and you’re invited. So will you be there?”

I nodded at his words as I poured myself some cereal. “Sure. Are Griffin and Jeremy going to be there?”

Necalli nodded. “Sure.” He said and helped himself to some of my mother’s left over coffee after I told him it was there; I had no idea how the machine worked and the one time I touched it, it was a complete mess.

“Ok, well I’ll be there…and I’ll have Chester drop me off.” I said and Necalli smiled.

“That’d be great.” He said and though I thought it strange that the generally friendly Necalli didn’t offer me a ride, I didn’t question it, finishing getting ready for school.

After school…

“Thanks for taking me Chester!” I piped, smiling at my friend as he pulled up beside the restaurant.

“No problem.” He said, probably thinking of Mellie. We hung out between when I got out of school and now and he could hardly stop talking about her.

He had the love bug bad.

“Well I’ll see you tomorrow in the morning before school.” I said and unbuckled my seatbelt, hopping out of his car.

Chester said his goodbye and I rubbed my fingers against my thigh, warming them up, seeing my breath before me.

I looked around, not seeing anyone outside and headed inside, only seeing one person sitting on the waiting chairs that I knew; it was quite a busy place.

Kaylent looked up and saw me, his eyes widening.

He stood up and came to stand by me. “Do you see anyone else here?” He asked, slipping his hands into his pockets. I tried not to stare at him; Kaylent cleaned up nice.

I shook my head, looking around and not seeing anyone there. A waitress showed up on our left. “Are you here from the modeling company?” She asked and I looked to Kaylent who nodded.

“Yes, we’re supposed to be meeting others here. Have they already been seated?” He asked, his eyes staying off of me.

The girl frowned, checking some papers from a clip board she had, shaking her head. “No, there’s a pre-paid reservation for two.” She said, looking up at us.

My eyes widened. For two? I looked to Kaylent, who sighed.

“Was Necalli the one who talked to you about coming here today?” He asked and I nodded.

“Yeah, he must have set this up.” I whispered, my cheeks flaming. I remembered his rant from yesterday about how ‘Kaylent should treat me if he likes me’ and my cheeks only darkened.

“Well,” Kaylent sighed, “We may as well have dinner if it’s been paid for.” He looked to me and I nodded.

“I guess we might as well.” I whispered, slipping my hands in my pockets as the waitress smiled and went to get us two silverware sets, leading us to a table near the back of the place.

Kaylent and I sat down and opened our menus, looking at what we would order.
♠ ♠ ♠
A little shorter, but another update indeed!!

SECOND update today^.^ be sure to go back and read the last chapter if you didn't already
