‹ Prequel: Just One Little Kiss
Sequel: Photograph Me

Kiss Me


I looked to Toppin, asking what he was going to have for dinner. The boy bit his lip and stared wide-eyed at the menu, shrugging and looking at me as if for help.

“What do you like?” I asked and he glanced at the menu before looking back to me.

“Pasta.” He said, biting his lipadorably.

I shook my head a little, looking down at my menu and seeing the fettuccini Alfred with chicken. I asked him about it and he smiled, nodding. “That sounds good.” He said, his eyes lighting up brightly.

I couldn’t help but think that he was adorable, cursing myself for the rather un-heterosexual thoughts I was thinking.

I ordered a four cheese pasta for myself once our waiter came and asked for a bottle of wine, looking to Toppin before remembering that he was underage.

He blushed as he reminded me, no doubt thinking of the last time we drank together.

The waiter took our menus and we were left with a silence that I felt I had to fill. “About the other night…I’m sorry.” I said, about to continue when he cut me off.

“Oh, I don’t blame you for that!” He exclaimed. “It wasn’t your fault that all of that happened. It was mine…I shouldn’t have been drinking and then none of…anything that happened, would have happened.” The boy said quietly, looking at the table before him.

I was shocked beyond belief. I thought for sure that he would hate me for what I tried to dodid to him. “Don’t think like that.” I said, my voice strong, surprising the both of us. “Don’t think that it was your fault…I was the one who encouraged you to drink…and kiss me.” My cheeks darkened though I’d swear they didn’t tint that shade of pink.

Toppin was blushing as well. “But I was the one-“

“Just drop it.” I said softly. “What’s done is done and it doesn’t matter. I looked up to see Toppin nodding, his face solemn.

I don’t know why, but it bothered me to see him not smiling cheerily and happily. Way too many emotions were unveiled that night at the gay club.

“Smile, it’s more fitting with your personality.” I said as our drinks were here, the man pouring me a glass of wine and setting water before the both of us. As models, we couldn’t eat like slobs, but we could treat ourselves once in a while to things like wine and soda, as long as we didn’t make it a habit.

Glancing at Toppin’s cheeks, I saw that once more, they were pinked and he was biting his lip to keep himself from smiling. Cute.

“So, how do you like modeling so far?” I asked, trying to start up a conversation so we didn’t sit here awkwardly for the next hour and a half.

“I like it a lot.” Toppin said, easily slipping into the new topic. “Kids at my school have seen my billboard.” He said, smiling a little, proud of himself.

“Well that’s great, what do your friends think?” I asked. I thought the billboard with Necalli and he was pretty good. It was for a fairly well known product, so they were getting their name out there for sure. Necalli had already started making a name for him and it was very kind of him to take Toppin, a no-name so far, along with him. I would have never done the same thing.

“Umm…they like it.” He said, smiling widely, looking like he was hiding something. He paused for a moment, then continued, his smile gone. “I don’t have very many friends. Most are just kids I see in school and that’s it. Chester is the only one I really hand out with.” He said honestly.

I nodded. “I know the feeling. I have three friends, but…they’re more like people I know who come and go in my life. They’re not quite…friends.” I murmured, swirling my wine around the glass before sipping a little.

“I feel the same way.” Toppin said, staring at me almost with awe that we had something in common.

I chuckled, “So, what’s your take on the new campaign that our company is taking?” I asked, wanting to keep him talking about something we both knew about.

By the end of the night, I stopped kicking myself for all of the thoughts of how adorable and sweet Toppin was, realizing that I’d get a bruise on my leg if I did; Toppin really isn’t as bad as I thought.
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next in a few hours:D
