‹ Prequel: Just One Little Kiss
Sequel: Photograph Me

Kiss Me


I was mindlessly walking down the halls at school, thinking of Kaylent and our dinner together last night. He was surprisingly…kind to me, even going to the point of driving me home!” He only had a glass of wine though, so it was alright for him to drive and he said he’d see me at our next shoot which was scheduled for tomorrow.

I smiled at the memory of how civil he was with a faggot like me as I’m sure he would have called me at one time, but something stopped my thoughts. I bumped into a hard chest, looking up to see one of the jocks of the school was the one who I had managed to stumble into.

“I-I’m sorry.” I squeaked out, trying to scurry off, away from the boy who must be three times my weight and twice as tall.

“I think I need a little more than an apology, faggot.” He spit the word I’d just been thinking about at me.

I was stuck like a deer in headlights. I didn’t quite know what to do in confrontation.


“What? Cat caught your tongue pussy?” He questioned, walking me back until the back of my heels hit the wall.

“Umm..” I was terrified at this point and people had started to circle up, seeing what the jock would do to me, some of them even looking amused.

“Hey, what are you doing?” I heard and turned my head to see a boy standing there, slipping his way between me and the jock.

He was just about as tall as the jock was though not nearly as big.

“Leave him alone.” He stated, looking at the jock. The guy looked over the boy in front of me for a few seconds, sizing him up before deeming him not worth the fight and turning, walking away with the crowd, leaving the boy in front of me and myself practically alone. He was about half a foot taller than me and had dark eyes and even darker hair. His lips were just plump enough to be kissable and he had a slim body.

“Hi, I’m Ryu.” The boy said, holding out his hand. “I’m new here, just transferred.” He spoke cheerily, as if he hadn’t just saved my face and future modeling career from being demolished.

“I’m Toppin.” I said and he held out his hand, shaking my own as he asked what I had done to get into such a predicament. “I bumped into him.” I murmured, finding myself shy around this bubbly boy who seemed to have befriended me.

“Oh, that’s a bummer.” He said, “Anyway, where’s your locker? I’m 153.” He said, looking at me expectantly.

“Mine’s 174 though they’re pretty close…d-do you want me to show you where you locker is?” I asked.

“Sure thing sweetheart.” The boy said, catching me quite off guard at the affectionate nick-name. The only person I knew who called me by a nick-name was Necalli who called me whatever name came to mind and it was strange to hear sweet words on anyone else’s tongue.

“Can I see your schedule?” I asked and he handed the paper to me, letting me see it. “We have three out of four classes together.” I said, smiling at him, gaining a little courage by his friendly nature.

“That’s great. The only one we don’t is first block…” he said at the one I pointed to. “Can you show me where it is?”

I nodded and lead the boy towards his locker. For some reason, the Toppin in school and the Toppin out of school were two completely different versions. And then there was drunk Toppin. In school, I was quite meek and quiet, not wanting to step on anyone’s toes and wanting to leave as quickly as possible. Out of school though, I thought at least,I was a pretty cool person to hang out with. I was hyper and easily excited though could be easy going and even obstinate at times. It was like School Toppin was a drone.

“So Toppin?” Ryu asked, looking at me. “Do you want to hang out after school?”

Three weeks later

“Hello Chester!” Ryu called to my best friend as he came to pick us up and take us to my house for some quality hanging out time. I knew that today we’d probably end up playing video games or watching T.V. but who was complaining?

Ever since Ryu came home with me after school that one day, we had become pretty close friends. He lived within walking distance so he came over quite often to hang out and mess around like teenagers do.

“Hey Toppin, Ryu.” He called back, unlocking his doors so we could slip in, me grabbing shot-gun like I always did. We filled the ride with talking about our day at school, occasionally causing Chester to chuckle at something we said or did.

As we were stepping out of the car, Chester’s phone rang. Ryu and I looked expectantly at him to see what it was about.

’Mellie.’ He mouthed and we nodded, motioning for him to follow us in once he was done talking with her. We went inside my house to warm up a little as he talked, turning the T.V. on to see what was on already.

After a few minutes, Chester walked in, “Hey, I’ll catch you guys again some other time, Mellie got tickets to a show she wants to see.” He said and we told him to have fun and ‘play safely’ before he left, chuckling at us as he did so.

“So, what would you like to do?” I asked, looking to Ryu.

“Actually, there’s something that I’ve been meaning to talk to you about, Toppin. I’m glad we have some…alone time.” He said, smiling at me comfortingly and sitting down next to me on the couch, smoothly taking my hand in his own. “Toppin, would you like to go out with me?”
♠ ♠ ♠
2/2 updates today:D
look for two more tomorrow!!!


check this out and let me know what you think:D
