‹ Prequel: Just One Little Kiss
Sequel: Photograph Me

Kiss Me


“Toppin what?” I hissed into my phone, wondering why I would be the first person Necalli would tell, and why I would care so goddamn much about it.

“Yep, he’s got himself a man now. He just called me and said his friend asked him out and he said yes,” He told me, almost as if he was throwing the words at me and demanding that I parry.

“Why would he do something like that?” I questioned, unable to help the emotions flooding through my system.

“Well Kaylent, when a boy and a boy meet, and they love each other very much-“

“Don’t play games with me Necalli!” I damn near screamed.

I heard a giggled, then “Why are you so worked up Kaylent?”

I rolled my eyes, knowing that Necalli probably knew I was doing it to; he was loving this.

“I’m not worked up. I’m just wondering why you approve of a relationship with some boy he just met and not a one night stand? As long as he’s in a relationship anything goes?” I questioned, knowing that when I was angry my words made no sense but saying them anyway.

Necalli let out a soft amused noise, causing me to growl in response. “I hope you choke.” I spat.

“So defensive…methinks you don’t want someone else to have Toppin.” He said.

“Just because I care if he gets used and left like trash I’m in love with the boy!?” I said, practically screaming.

There was a pause. “I didn’t say anything about love…”

I cursed myself, putting my hand on my forehead in a failed attempt to calm myself down. “Shut the fuck up and leave me alone.” I said, defeated.

“See you at the shoot in one week!” The too-happy boy said before hanging up.

I swear he lives just to spite me.

The news that Toppin has a boyfriend came as a complete surprise to me. I did not think that the boy would ever be as forward as to initiate a relationship, but I was stupid to think that others wouldn’t. Hell, he was beautiful enough to turn a straight man gaynot me, of course someone would want him to belong to them sometime.

I do not know why this information angers me so much, but it started out as a fire in the pit of my stomach that just seemed to spread until I couldn’t take it anymore.

Of course while I was tormented, Necalli was having the time of his life laughing at me and playing make-believe that I was in love with Toppin. That man was crazy.

Just because I cared about someone did not mean that my feelings were any more than friendship…right?

I shook my head, deciding that I needed some time to breathe and threw on a jacket, grabbing my scarf and heading out for a walk to clear my mind from thoughts of Toppin and some random boy together.

I walked the familiar streets, letting my mind wander as I saw different things; a man carrying an armful of warm bread to a boy playing with his puppy outside of his family’s apartment. I’ll be damned though, if my mindless walking didn’t take me to Plazaro’s Place, the small restaurant that Necalli had practically forced Toppin and I to meet at and talk.

It was true; when you were trying to get away from something, all roads lead there.

Over dinner, Toppin and I had figured that Necalli just wanted to help us be more comfortable around one another and not quite so awkward during further shoots, giving us some time to talk out what happened between us and all that jazz.

Personally, I thought the boy was just crazy and did things just for the sake of doing them, but who knows. I huffed, seeing my breath before me before turning and walking back towards my home, wanting to be out of the cold.
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1/3 updates today!!!!

For those of you who today is Christmas, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!
look in one of the next chapters for a special one-shot lemon I'm writing as my Christmas present to all!
