‹ Prequel: Just One Little Kiss
Sequel: Photograph Me

Kiss Me


My eyes lit up as I saw Ryu standing on my doorstep. “Ready to go?” He asked, gesturing to his car before me.

I nodded, smiling. Ryu had planned a proper ‘first date’ for us today and wouldn’t tell me any of the plans. “It’s a really nice Italian restaurant.” He told me as he opened the door for me to his small car, causing me to giggle at how sweet he was being.

We had only been going out for two days now and have yet to have our first kiss togethermy actual first kiss belonged to Kaylet, and I had a feeling that tonight was meant to be the night.

Ryu climbed into the car himself, turning the heater up and driving us to the restaurant. I looked around and realized that the roads looked familiar. I had an idea of where he was going and felt something strange in my tummy as that happened though I ignored the feeling.

The car stopped and I looked out the window to see that my gut instinct was right; we really were at Plazaro’s Place. “Well?” Ryu asked, a grin stretching across his face as he waited for my approval before stepping out of the car.

“I love this place.” I told him truthfully, excited to eat here again. Kaylent was right last time; the fettuccini Alfredo really was amazing. I’d probably get the delicious dish again this time.

“That’s a relief.” Ryu said, the corner of his lips twitching upwards. He jumped from the car and came around to open my door, holding his hand out to help me out of the car and shutting the door behind me, leading me into the restaurant. “I was afraid that you were going to say something about since you’re a model you can’t eat such high-carb foods or something.” He said nervously.

I giggled, “Nah, it’s fine as long as we don’t pig out on that kind of food.” I said, keeping my arm on his as he gave his name to the waitress, the woman leading us to our reserved table.

It was also in the back, though on the opposite side of the restaurant to where Kaylent and I were seated.

I felt that strange feeling again, and found my eyes drawn to where I sat last time, as if Kaylent would be sitting there. I almost felt like it was Kaylent and I’s restaurant and that I didn’t want to share it with anyone else, though that was a silly thought. I have absolutely no idea where it came from.

“Well, what would you like to eat?” The waitress said, smiling at us and looking expectantly. We had a few minutes to decide and I’d once again chosen to go with the Alfredo.

Ryu told her what he wanted and then looked to me, letting me tell her what I wanted before she walked away, telling us that she’d be back with our drinks in a little.

I looked to Ryu who was sitting quite close beside me in the booth, smiling at him gently. “So did you finish that project for English?” I asked just to start up a conversation. It felt like now, talking to him was strange since we were going out; the words didn’t flow out as easily as when we were together.

“I don’t want to talk about school, darling.” Ryu said, slipping in a pet name that caused my cheeks to flush violently.

“Well then…um….what do you want to talk about?” I asked softly, not knowing what he meant.

“Have you ever kissed anyone before?” He asked, sliding a little closer to me.

“Um…y-yeah.” I said, my blush not leaving my damnable cheeks.

Ryu looked surprised for a moment before covering it up. “Who?” He asked, pressing further.

“Just…fellow models.” I said, remembering that both Kaylent and Necalli had kissed me before.

“Oh…” He said, the mood quite killed.

I don’t know how, but something told me that the kiss I thought would happen, was not going to happen tonight. It made me wonder that if I hadn’t kissed anyone, would he have been so eager to take my first?

I let the thought go as our drinks and meals were placed in front of us. The waitress must have waited until the food was ready to bring the drinks out, maybe giving us some time alone.

We finished the rest of our meals talking of various things, our dreams of the future, the things of our past, just random things that not. I had a fun time with Ryu, though there was something that kept gnawing at my insides, telling me that something wasn’t right.
♠ ♠ ♠
two people hit the nail on the head

2/3 updates today.
The third update will have the LOVELY SMEXY CHAPTER LINKED TO IT as I am finishing typing it and making the layout page for it^.^
