‹ Prequel: Just One Little Kiss
Sequel: Photograph Me

Kiss Me


I walked into the shoot, pissed as hell once I heard Necalli taunt me outside the door.

I’d just walked into the studio and as if he was waiting for mehe was, Necalli leaned off the wall, following me and speaking to me.

“So guess what?” He asked and when I ignored him and didn’t answer, he continued. “Toppin is bringing his boy-friend to the shoot today. Griffin okayed it and told me so.” He said, giggling once I glared at him as he enunciated the word boyfriend.

“Leave me be and let me do my work.” I said, walking off and leaving him behind me as I went to see what Griffin would have us do today.

When I walked in though, Griffin wasn’t getting ready for the shoot, no, he was talking to some boy who was hand-in-hand with Toppin.

My fists clenched as I walked up and rudely butted into the conversation, not bothering to be polite to some lowlife. “What’re we doing today?” I grumbled.

Apparently though, Toppin didn’t read my mood, thinking that I was just tired or something probably and groggy, but that wasn’t it at all.

“Oh, Kaylent, this is my boyfriend, Ryu. Ryu, this is my fellow model, Kaylent.” He said, smiling cheerily at me and almost looking for my approval.

How was he to know he’d never get it from me? “That’s great and shit, but we’ve got a shoot to do and I’m heading out tonight so could we get started?” I asked, looking pointedly at Griffin.

He looked back to Toppin. “He has a point. Talking can wait for later, we need to get this shoot done. I have to pick the proofs tonight and then go with Jeremy for dinner.” He said, smiling at the thought of his own boyfriend.

I rolled my eyes at the lot of gay little lovebirds, just wanting to get the shoot over with and leave.

“Kaylent, this is for you and Necalli. Toppin got here early so he already changed.” He said and Necalli skipped by, grabbing his clothes and following me into the changing rooms.

Once we got there though, Necalli started acting strange. He shut the door and made sure it was closed, listening to hear if anyone was nearby. He then walked up to me determined. “First of all, you’re a jealous ass.” He said, and then smiled as if he had to get that off his chest. “Why you just can’t be happy for anyone is beyond me, but…” He looked around himself. “I don’t like that boy Ryu….there’s something unsettling about him, and I don’t want Toppin with him. That boy gives me bad vibes, so you better steal your boy back soon.” He said and patted my shoulder before changing his clothes quickly and heading back out the door, my jaw on the floor.

“What just happened?” I wondered, shaking my head a little and changing my clothes as well.

Necalli wanted Toppin with me rather than Ryu?

I walked out the door, seeing Necalli already holding a broom and Toppin as well, Ryu sitting on a couch by the wall, well out of Griffin’s way.

I’m sure the photographer threatened him into staying there. If anything, the thing that would set griffin off the most was if you messed up his shoot.

I was handed a broom as well and a dusty old floor was set up in the room that I hadn’t noticed before, too busy glaring at the boy now sitting on a couch.

Necalli winked at me from across the room as Toppin bent over to pick up a leaf, tossing it at Griffin who was already snapping pictures.

He was just far enough away from us that we could use the brooms to sweep up dust and dirt and not get it near his camera, which is what we did.

Essentially, we had a dirt and broom fight, just messing around. I was astonished to find that I was actually having fun. I enjoyed the play-fight we were having and seeing Toppin’s smiling face.

I almost forgot about Ryu’s presence. Almost. I remembered when Griffin announced that the shoot was over and the damnable boy ran up to Toppin, hugging him far too tight for my liking.

Toppin merely giggled though, asking him what he thought of the shot.

“I thought you looked beautiful.” He said loud enough for me to hear, as if he knew how much I hated him for existing.

I walkedstormed away from the two, heading into the changing room and quickly putting on the clothes I wore here.

Necalli followed me in, “hurrying to get somewhere?” He asked and I rolled my eyes as he leaned into my ear. “I’m sure you’re just heading back home. Well, do what you want, I don’t care, and I just don’t want that Ryu hanging around Toppin much longer.” He said and before I could say anything back, he was gone.
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3/3 updates for today:D

look for about 1 to 2 chapters tomorrow:D

now, what you've been waiting for: Forest Lover - some steamy boy lovin'. Merry Christmas from me:D
-enough interest could make it a full story^.^
