‹ Prequel: Just One Little Kiss
Sequel: Photograph Me

Kiss Me


I unlocked my door, letting Ryu into my home with me, smiling as Chester ran, padding up to me and yipping at me, his tail wagging furiously.

“Hey baby!” I said to the excitable puppy and looked around, guessing my kittens were cuddled up asleep under my bed again.

The dog barked at Ryu and I smiled at him. He always loved to be petted. Ryu moved so he was out of the dogs way as I shut and locked my front door behind us.

“I’d better get you some food.” I said, walking to the back of the house where the kitchen was and where all of the animal’s food was kept. “Just make yourself at home!” I called to Ryu who was taking off his jacket and slipping off his shoes, heading into the living room.

I poured some dog food into one of Chester’s bowls and filled up the other to the brim with water. I also opened up a can of cat food and set out a saucer of milk, knowing that once those two cats heard the sound of the can opening, they would be here quicker than I could say “Here Kessie and Tulu!”

I saw the two nearly running each other over to get to their favorite food as Chester started munching on his dinner.

The wooden floor was warm as I made my way to where Ryu was sitting on my couch. He smiled at me and held up an arm, letting me snuggle in close to him.

He had the television flipped on to some random show on the Discovery channel about the ocean or something, but the show was calming to say the least. It made me sigh and snuggle deeper into Ryu’s arms.

My lips turned up at the way his arm tightened just a little more around me.

I heard paws on the floor and before I knew it, Chester had jumped up into Ryu’s lap, yapping and making a ton of noise.

I expected Ryu to laugh and gently push him off, but he didn’t.

Instead, he took his hand that was not holding me and roughly shoved my puppy off of his lap, glaring at the dog that whimpered a little when he hit the ground.

The violent action shocked me though I didn’t say anything, wondering where that outburst came from. He had always seemed friendly enough to my pets before…

The longer we sat there and mindlessly watched the television, the more time I had to let my mind wander. Why would Ryu do something like that? I thought he liked my pets but apparently that wasn’t so.

A thought flitted through my mind, that maybe he didn’t like dogs?

That would explain everything. I let out a little sign of relief, realizing that he was probably not a big dog fan and that the puppy just overwhelmed him a little.

I smiled at my deduction and wrapped my arms around my boyfriend’s waist, giggling as his arms went around my own waist.

“Sleepy.” I murmured into his neck, nuzzling into him.

“Then go to sleep honey bear.” He said and at his sweet words, I realized that he wouldn’t have purposefully been violent to my dog. Ryu wasn’t like that; he’d never do something like that.

Ryu lay down on the couch, pulling me comfortably into his arms, kissing the back of my neck gently.

Yes, that must have been it; there was no way this Ryu would harm my puppy. He was far too sweet for that.

I snuggled back into his arms before turning around; looking at Ryu and seeing him smile at me. He gently traced a finger down the side of my cheek before letting his thumb pause on my bottom lip.

My breath caught in my throat as his hand slipped to the side of my face as he leaned in and pressed our lips together in a chaste, sweet kiss.

I pulled back, blushing before going in for another kiss.

Ryu chuckled at my eagerness and a small moan escaped him as I sucked on his bottom lip, pulling away with my cheeks still flaming. Slightly embarrassed at how forward I was, I ducked my head into his chest, letting him hold me until the flame on my cheeks died down.

Try as I might, I couldn’t keep my thoughts from drifting back to Kaylent and our kiss, my first kiss.
♠ ♠ ♠
I realize that I was supposed to update and didn't. :/
So to make up for it, I'll try and get a few out today. ^.^
This chapter is last pre-written so it all depends on how much time I have.

BTW, who liked Forest Lover?
