‹ Prequel: Just One Little Kiss
Sequel: Photograph Me

Kiss Me


Expecting the morning to be like any other, I didn’t think it was necessary to go and purchase of a baseball bat and some knuckle dusters. Just later that morning though, I realized how much I wished I did.

It happened completely by chance. Were I not to have taken a different route to the studio than normal, or had I not stopped for some hot chocolate, I would have missed him.

While walking on my way to the studio to do a shoot for some new cell phone accessory brand, I saw the boy Ryu talking on the phone. He was in an ally and kicked the ground, scuffing the ground before looking up with a smirk on his face, staring at the wall in front of him.

Being across the street from him, I walked closer, stopping and leaning on the corner of the building beside him, listening and just barely hearing his conversation.

“Yeah, bro, you’ve no fucking idea. I’ve got the sexiest little boyfriend.” He paused for a moment and listened to something his ‘bro’ was telling him. “And to top it all off, he’s good at modeling that he’s going to be famous one day…Nah, he’s hot but…it’s more in the way that I can tell that the older he gets, the better he will look. I can’t wait to take him.” He moaned

My blood began to boil, but not as much as it did when I heard the next few sentences out of the bastard’s mouth.

“He won’t do anything with me though; he always breaks it off at kissing. I don’t know if I can wait for him to get famous to milk him if I can’t get any, you know what I mean?” He said, “And I want him, like really bad. I probably won’t be able to wait until he’s ‘ready’ before I’m going to make him my own.”

“Hey dick!” I called to him, glaring at the bastard as I walked around the corner.

He turned, surprised to see me, though he was only a block away from the studio; I’m surprised Toppin wasn’t around to hear his bad mouthing.

“Oh, it’s Kaylent. For what do I owe the pleasure?” he said sarcastically. “I’ll call you back man.” He murmured into the phone before ending the call and slipping it into his pocket. “What, did you hear-“

I didn’t let him finish his sentence, pulling back and letting my fist fly, hitting him right across his nose. “You son of a bitch!” I screamed, utterly astonished that someone could be this hurtful. Especially to someone so innocent and kind as Toppin.

“What are you pissed because you want some action from him too?” Ryu spat, whipping a little blood from his nose. I’d never been one for the physical aspect of life, but when I was angry, the hours spent keeping fit at the gym sure as hell came in handy.

“No, I’m pissed because you are a complete asshole. You’re just using him! I knew from the moment I met you that you were no good for him. You just want to use him for fame and money, regardless of how much you make him care about you, and when you’re gone? He’ll be fucking heartbroken.” I screamed at him, surely causing a scene as we were half in the alleyway and half on the sidewalk, but I didn’t care.

This man deserved everything he got.

“Oh, and don’t tell me-“ having enough of hearing him talking, I swung again at him, surprising the boy yet again. He thinks a model wouldn’t want to hurt their hands or fists for a friendsomeone they like? He was dead wrong.

“I will tell you one last thing: what you did was wrong, dead wrong you filthy monster.” I hissed and knocked him to the ground, straddling him and letting the punches fly, not thinking once about the consequences of my actions.
♠ ♠ ♠
second update today

short, I know, but who really wants more of Ryu existingbeing an ass?
I hope to have the next chapter done fairly soon^.^
