‹ Prequel: Just One Little Kiss
Sequel: Photograph Me

Kiss Me


Necalli had picked me up once more as Chester was fawning over his new love and Ryu wasn’t nearby. I climbed out of the car then turned, waiting for Necalli to get out of his parked car when I heard a loud voice that sounded strangely familiar.

Looking down the street, I caught a glimpse of Kaylent punching Ryu on the ground repeatedly. My eyes widened and I dropped my jacket, running to pull the model from my boyfriend. “Kaylent, stop!” I screamed, trying to catch his arms and drag him off of Ryu. “Leave him alone!” I said, standing with my arms out in front of Ryu who was trying to pick himself up off the ground.

“Toppin. You’ve no idea-“ Kaylent tried to talk, but I refused to listen.

“No, don’t you dare try and talk to me after doing something like that!” I hissed. “Why would you even- you know what? Nevermind. Just go, Kaylent.” I growled and turned, ignoring whatever he was saying to help Ryu to a cab I waved over, handing the driver money and telling him the address to the clinic I knew was nearby.

Once I knew that Ryu was on his way to get help, I turned around, going to find Kaylent and figure out exactly what his problem was. Why would he do something like that?

Realizing that Necalli and he must have already gone into the studio, I walked in, glaring at anyone in my way and storming through the door once I got there.

“Kaylent, you selfish prick. What could-“ I began but he cut me off.

“You don’t even know what happened!” He screamed and silence ensued.


“No, listen to me. That…boyfriend of yours was on the phone with someone, telling him how he was going to have a famous boyfriend who he was going to suck up to so he could get whatever he wanted from you. Oh, and did I mention he talked about how you wouldn’t fuck him?” The anger in Kaylent’s words came full force to me and I stood there, eyes wide, astonished by the accusations he was making.

“I-I…” I tried to speak but was utterly shocked. It seemed that Kaylent had said what he wanted to say and now was merely waiting for my response. I looked to Necalli, “Do you believe him?” I asked and ignoring the shocked, offended look on Kaylent’s face, I paid attention to Necalli.

He was nodding slowly as if not to set either of us off, Griffin not having arrived yet to the studio. “I believe Kaylent. He is emotionally vested in this; he wouldn’t lie.” He said while staring at the man he was talking about. His words washed over me, the ‘emotionally vested’ causing me to wonder what exactly was going on, but I ignored it.

“I need some space.” I said and walked out the door, heading to a room I knew was not currently used for anything to give me some space.

Who was I to believe? My boyfriend who I have been together with for a month and has always treated me good? Or the man who kisses me and then calls me a faggot, the one who’s constantly in the back of my mind, sending different messages all the time. Though Necalli did seem to trust Kaylent…

I bit my lip as I sat down, slipping down the wall. The obvious choice was Ryu; he’s never done anything to make me think negatively of him. There was that one day with the dog, but I realized that he must not like pets. He was obviously the right one; not Kaylent who seemed to only hurt me.

My mind made up, I walked back to the studio, seeing Necalli talking to Griffin in hushed voices. They broke apart once I got inside and I noticed that Kaylent was not in the room.

“The shoot today has been postponed. We’ll have it in a few days.” Griffin said, stepping close to me and putting a hand on my shoulder in a friendly way. “Are you alright Toppin?” He asked.

I nodded, “Yeah, I’m fine.” I said, smiling at him.

“Good. Take a few days off, relax. If you need a note for school, I’ll write whatever you want.” He said, hugging me before Necalli hugged me as well.

“Kaylent already left though stormed out is the more appropriate word for it.” He said, smiling and taking my hand, pulling me from the room. “Come on, I’ll take you home.”

Obediently, I followed him, already texting Ryu to see how he was.
♠ ♠ ♠
expect a nother update soon!
I'm writing it now^.^
