‹ Prequel: Just One Little Kiss
Sequel: Photograph Me

Kiss Me


My eyes were kept shut from sleepers when I woke. I rubbed them to make them go away, but once I opened my eyes, an unfamiliar room met my gaze.

Freezing, the memories from last night came back to me and I couldn’t help from wrapping my arms around my waist.

Ryu, the boyfriend I stood up for and protected had tried to do things to me. He tried running his hands up my thigh and roughly touching me there, trying to force me down when I didn’t want to. I didn’t notice the tears falling from my eyes until I saw the cream colored sheets darkened with two small spots of wetness.

Lifting my hands to my face, I shook my head and rubbed the tears away. No, I won’t think about Ryu. I won’t let him get to me through my thoughts.

Slipping from the bed to find KaylentI can’t believe I came here last night, I bit my lip. I hesitantly opened up the door, seeing that he was in the kitchen that was across the family room, separated by a small half-wall.

“Good morning, Toppin.” He said and I tried to smiled back, only managing a half-smile.

“Mornin’.” I whispered and sat on one of the stools I sat on last night while drinking hot chocolate.

I watched Kaylent as he cooked some scrambled eggs and bacon on the stove, surprised that he could cook. Knowing him, I thought he may think that cooking was below him or something.

I watched his movements as he walked around the kitchen. “I hope eggs and bacon are alright.” He said quietly, treating me like a scared pet. I knew why though; I myself felt like any moment I could break.

“They’re fine.” I continued to watch as he put the food onto two plates, setting one before me, the other beside me. He got out forks for the both of us and I picked it up, beginning to eat a small piece of the scrambled egg on my plate, even more surprised at how good it tasted.

Kaylent put the things he used in the sink and put some water in the two pans and various flippers, leaving them there to be cleaned later. He walked around the counter and sat beside me, eating his own meal.

“I’m surprised that you cook.” I admitted sheepishly, wanting to talk about anything other than the matter in the back of my mind, “and eat.”

Kaylent rolled his eyes. “Just because I’m sexy doesn’t mean I starve and can’t make food.” He said, smiling and nudging my elbow a little.

I giggled at his words, “keep telling yourself that,” I joked back, wondering how I was so comfortable talking friendly with this man who just a few days ago I thought was a lying ass.

“Kaylent…I’m sorry.” I said, setting down my fork and turning left to look up at him. “I didn’t believe you and…you were right.” I spoke, looking down, ashamed.

“Don’t worry about it.” He said, continuing with his meal, smiling at me.

“Really though, I should have trusted you, believed you. I should not have screamed at you like that.” I began to get angry at myself; what happened was my fault. If I had listened to Kaylent, then Ryu wouldn’t have had the chance to try and take advantage of me.

Not realizing I spoke my thoughts aloud, Kaylent’s response surprised me. “It was not your fault, and I never want to hear you say that.” He growled. “Regardless of the reasons why, he did that, it was his fault and he’s the one who’s going to have to pay for what he’s done.” He said and his anger showed.

I looked away from him, to my food, not all that hungry any more.

“Come on, eat up, we’ve got to go to work, right?” Kaylent said, smiling at me weakly as I stared at the half-full plate before me.

“Yeah, time for work.” I sighed before finishing up my breakfast, drinking the milk he’d given me and placing the dishes into his dishwasher. I paused and turned to Kaylent before he left the room, “Um, my clothes…” I said, feeling strange in his slightly too-big clothing.

“I washed and dried it. It’s there, and you know where the bathroom is,” he gestured to the table in the living room and then to the hallway bathroom there.

“Thanks.” I murmured, standing before him with my clothes in my hands now. “For everything.”

“No problem, now get dressed, you know how Griffin is when someone’s late. Not to mention that Necalli’s flight gets in this morning. He’s going to want to head home afterwards.

I giggled a little at Kaylent’s words, surprising myself at the soft, sweet sound.

“What?” He asked.

“You sounded like you cared, like it mattered if Necalli was tired during the shoot.” I told him, the boy seemingly unaware of how his words sounded.

He rolled his eyes though a playful smile stayed on his face, “just get dressed.”
♠ ♠ ♠
second update today!!!

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