‹ Prequel: Just One Little Kiss
Sequel: Photograph Me

Kiss Me


While driving, Toppin wasn’t very talkative. Not that I expected that to happen after what happened, but I still expected him to be more…lively than this.

He stared dully at the things passing us by the windows, not making any comments or showing any reactions to anything.

“You hear what today’s shoot is supposed to be about?” I asked, attempting to start a conversation with him.

“No.” Was his solid answer and I bit my lip, not used to people brushing me off and me not flipping out about it.

“I think it has something to do with a new brand…I’m not sure if it was clothing, furniture or what, but it’s supposed to be a good opportunity for Toppin. I’m sure the usual him would have been excited, but that wasn’t the case at the moment.

“Ok.” The word ended any chance of conversation. The boy leaned his elbow on the door, laying his head on his hand.

I knew that he wasn’t in a happy mood but still, it hurt to see him like this, so lifeless. I bit my lip as I realized that that’s exactly what it was. It wasn’t that he was sad or depressed living, but more that the life was taken, stolen from him.

Anger filled me once more as I thought of what Ryu did to him. I shoved the emotions into the back of my mind as I parked the car, getting out and waiting for Toppin to do the same, walking with him once he was beside me.

When we got into the room, Griffin and Necalli could tell that something was wrong. For the past week, Toppin had not spoken to me and now here he was, showing up at the shoot with me looking like an abused puppy. Of course they would be able to tell that something was going on.

The two men standing there said nothing as we walked over to them. “So, what’s the shoot for today?” I asked, knowing if I didn’t that they would start asking questions. Toppin shot me a look of relief as Griffin began explaining what we were going to do today though I didn’t listen to him. I had other things going on in my mind. I wanted to see Toppin smiling and happy, not hurt and depressed.

“Got it?” Griffin asked and Toppin nodded, remaining silent as he went to the changing room, knowing that no one followed him but not bothering to mention it.

“What happened?” Necalli asked the moment the door was shut. I sighed, running my hand over my face.

“He came over in the middle of the night last night, soaking wet. Ryu tried to mess with him and he knew Ryu knew where Chester lived and you were out of town. He didn’t want to be at his house in case Ryu showed up so he came over. I let him take a shower and get some sleep.” I explained.

Necalli’s hands formed fists and his teeth clenched in anger. “That damn Ryu…” I went to calm him but Griffin reached over to hold his arm.

“What Toppin needs right now is love, compassion, not anger and hate.” The photographer said and I nodded, Griffin turning to me. “And I’m proud of you for helping him.”

I rolled my eyes, “of course I would.” I said softly before feeling a punch in the arm that was only partially playful. “What the hell was that for?” I hissed at Necalli, wondering if he’d gone and ignored everything that Griffin had told him about being calm.

“If you admitted you liked Toppin before all of this, he wouldn’t have ever gotten with Ryu.” He huffed before turning on his heel and walking to the locker room, seeming pleased that he got his anger out on me at least.

“I don’t like Toppin.” I said out of habit but I felt something inside of me changing. It was like when you know there’s a food that you don’t like so you choose not to eat it then you may try one just to remember why you didn’t like it and find out that it’s really not that bad.

Griffin raised an eyebrow teasingly as he looked at me before shaking his head, not going to press the matter. “By the way, the shoot today is a school uniform brand that some of the schools locally are switching to, just in case you missed what I said earlier.” He said offhandedly as he readied his camera, smirking at me.

I sighed, walking to the changing room and acting like I hadn’t had my thoughts filled with nothing but Toppin while he was explaining what we would be doing today.

Regardless of what it meant, I wanted to see Toppin smile.
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