‹ Prequel: Just One Little Kiss
Sequel: Photograph Me

Kiss Me


During the shoot, there was one thing that kept me from being smiling and happy and that was the thought that I would have to go home today. Regardless of whether I stayed there for the night which I didn’t feel comfortable doing, I would still have to go to get clothes and such. I couldn’t keep wearing the same clothes every day.

I got very lucky today; for most shoots, expression is a very important part, a key role. For this particular shoot, Griffin had a different image in mind. He wanted our bodies and not our faces. It was meant to show the best parts that we had of each part of the uniforms.

As I was so much shorter than the other two boys, I was standing on a bench, arms leaning casually on either of their shoulders. Once he saw us in the uniforms, he agreed that Kaylent had the torso he wanted, Necalli the legs and I had the overall fit in the outfit as I was in the center.

The girl uniforms would be modeled separately by the girls as it would be in the male/female sections of stores respectively.

I could make my body do what I wanted it to do, have the fun attitude with my hips swaying to the side against Necalli yet still have one of the most miserable faces I’ve ever worn.

Honestly, I believed that Kaylent was in the wrong and that Ryu was the victim that time we were before the studio. Now, I realized just how wrong I was. Ryu was never the victim.

I bit my lip, squeezing my eyes shut, willing the thoughts away. “Toppin, you need a minute?” Griffin asked and when I opened my eyes, my eyesight was slightly watery.

I nodded. “Y-Yeah.” I whispered.

I went to head to the changing room where I could be alone, but Necalli refused to let me have the peace. He sat down on the bench and pulled me against him.

“No. You’re not going to go and cry. You’re going to let me fucking hold you and cuddle you and be here for you.” He scolded and the tears that were threatening to fall down my face finally fell.

I told myself that I wasn’t going to cry today but so much for that. I sobbed into Necalli’s arms, sitting on his lap with my arms around his neck.


“Hush.” Necalli whispered to me and pulled me closer, kissing my neck gently and he held me close. I could feel him shaking, quaking with anger about what he probably just found out about. “No one’s ever going to hurt you again.” He whispered into my neck, still holding me. “We’ll make sure of that.”

“What else are friends for?” Griffin said, rubbing my back gently.

I smiled as I attempted to wipe the tears from my eyes, completely forsaking the thought of holding in my tears. Necalli was right. Crying alone in a corner and wallowing in pity for myself wasn’t going to help anyone.

I stood, letting go of Necalli slowly, as if I didn’t trust my own legs to hold me upI didn’t, my world was shaking.

“Let’s resume the shoot.” I said, wiping away the final tears, looking down and glad to see that none had gotten onto the uniform.

Everyone agreed and Kaylent smiled softly at my usual nature making a bit of a comeback. “Toppin, can I talk to you before the shoot starts again?” Kaylent asked, gesturing to the hallway.

“Sure.” I said, hoping and praying that he wouldn’t tell me that I couldn’t stay with him tonight. I wantedneeded to.

“I was wondering, we need to pick your things up from your house at least for a few more days and maybe after I could take you out to dinner?” He asked, “That is of course if you stay the night at mine.” He said, his cheeks turning the lightest shade of pink as he realized that he assumed I would be staying with him.

I couldn’t keep the blush off my cheeks as I replied to him. “I’d love to.” I said softly, “And I will stay the night at your place, if you want me. I hope I’m not being annoying…” I said, my eyes widening. What if I was being an annoyance to him?

“Of course you’re not annoying!” He said and hugged me, surprising the both of us, I’m sure.

My flushing cheeks darkened as I pulled away. “We’d better get back inside.” I whispered and he nodded, a huge smile on his face.

“Yeah, we’d better.” My heart soared, not only because of the hug, but because while I was talking to Kaylent, I forgot all about being sad.

At dinner…

I now sat in front of Kaylent in yet another small restaurant he knew about. We had been by my house and no one was there when I ran in and grabbed some clothing, thinking in the back of my mind that it was the first time Kaylent had ever seen my home none the less my room.

He wouldn’t leave my side after I got out of the car. He stood by my side the whole time until I had taken everything that I would need. He even let me take my pets with me. I didn’t want them home alone since my Mom wasn’t home that often and when I was staring at my lonely little kitten, he saw the pets and said I could bring them as it was pretty much unanimously decided that I would not be coming home for at least a few days.

I had called my mother on the way to Kaylent’s place telling her a brief summary of what happened and then again last night when I woke up and it was still dark out.

Now, Kaylent and I were sitting side by side in a booth of a small little what I’m sure the waiters and waitress’ called the ‘couples booth’; it was small and had us sitting rather close in the back of the restaurant.

“Kaylent…” I said once we were about half-way through dinner.

“Hm?” He asked, looking over at me and washing down his food with a little bit of water that was before him.

“I just want to say thanks again.” Before he could speak, I kept going. “Before you say anything, I know I said it before, I…just think it bears repeating.” I murmured, looking down at the plate in front of me.

I was surprised to feel the touch of Kaylent’s long fingers against my chin, lifting my face and bringing it towards him.

I could feel his breath on my lips as he whispered, “your welcome.” His fingers skimmed up my jaw and then back down, the owner of those fingers smiling and pulled away, leaving butterflies in my stomach and warmth on my face.

That blush never left my face for the rest of the night.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'll post next chapter in a little^.^
and maybe another later:D

BTW, has anyone else noticed the new add about halfway down the page on the My Mibba area? It annoys me to no end, especially when the page now takes twice as long to load. :/
