‹ Prequel: Just One Little Kiss
Sequel: Photograph Me

Kiss Me


Dinner with Toppin was amazing, even better than the first time we inadvertently met up. We were currently on the way to my home, Toppin leaning his head against the seat belt, resting against it.

I was glad to see that he was just tired and not as…depressed as he had been. This morning during our shoot, he really unwound. After Necalli basically told him that he didn’t have to take everything upon himself, he really loosened up, even smiling and laughing a little.

At dinner, I didn’t bother giving him time to think of anything but the blush on his face; once I saw that beautiful red color spread across his nose and cheeks, I never wanted it to disappear. When I pulled him close, I barely resisted the urge to kiss his plump, pink lips, forcing back the desire.

I glanced over at the boy, his head falling back a little, lips slightly parted.

Fuck. I looked away, biting my lip and staring at the car in front of us. I do not like him. I do not like him. I do not-fuck it.

I looked back over at him, my eyes catching his dark, long lashes, his kissable lips, the hair that fell in his face, making me want to brush it out the way, just to touch him.

I cursed to myself, whining. Yes, whining at the fact that I was admitting to myself that I liked Toppin.

At my foul words, Toppin stirred, rubbing his eyes and yawning a littlebeing fucking adorable. “What happened?” He asked.

“You fell asleep in a car in three seconds flat. That’s pretty remarkable I’d say.” I joked with him.

Toppin mewled a little. “I was sleepy!” He complained and I shook my head at him, smiling. I didn’t want to bring up why he hadn’t gotten any sleep last night.

“By the way, I’ll take the couch tonight.” He said. “You deserve to sleep in your own bed.” The boy smiled a little.

I raised an eyebrow, “You sure? You seem dead tired.” I said, parking in front of my place.

“Positive.” He said, stepping out of the car and grabbing his luggage bag from the back seat. I took the other bag he had and locked the car, going to unlock the door for him. I’ll have to give him a house key.

Toppin and I set his bags on the coffee table I had and I reminded him how to work the shower after he asked if he could take one.

He took a change of clothes with him after debating what to wear now that he had an option.

The boy only took a few minutes before I saw him walk in and sit on the couch that I had put bedding on.

“You sure you want to stay out here tonight?” I asked and he nodded.

“I’ll be fine. Now stop standing there, you’re keeping me up!” He giggled and I rolled my eyes playfully at him.

“All right then.” I said and went to get a shower then to go to bed myself.

2 am

I woke abruptly to the sound of soft knocks on my bedroom door, the second time I was woken by knocking in just as many days.

“Come in.” I said, still half-asleep.

Toppin walked in, tears in his eyes and bottom lip quivering. “K-Kayl-ly” he stuttered out, “I d-don’t wanna be al-lone.” He said, his voice breaking on the last word.

“Come ‘ere.” I told him and lifted the blankets up so that he could slip under them with me.

Surprising me once more, Toppin pressed himself up against me, cuddling close and crying softly, quietly into my shoulder.

I wrapped my arms around him, holding him, comforting him, even when I fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Poor Toppin:(
I <3 Kayly:D

look for another update soon!
