‹ Prequel: Just One Little Kiss
Sequel: Photograph Me

Kiss Me


When I woke up, once again I had to pause and think about where I was.

I’m in Kaylent’s bed.

My eyes widened as I realized that the warmth before me was indeed Kaylent. I felt his arms around my waist and one of my legs were thrown one of his, cuddling up to him like a body pillowand I even called him Kayly last night!

I refused to open my eyes for fear that Kaylent would wake up or something and freak out at me. Though I felt strange about being in his bed, in his arms, I couldn’t deny the fact that it felt so right to be here. I was warm and felt strangely safe with him. His scent calmed me and nearly put me back to sleep.

Kaylent groaned and I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping that he wouldn’t wake up. Instead though, he pulled me closer to him unconsciously, nestling back into sleep though now I was practically half on top of him.

I knew without even looking that there was a blush on my cheeks. I need to get out of here before he pulls me all the way on top of him.

Biting my lip, I slowly opened my eyes to find that Kaylent’s face was only a few inches from my own. I watched him for a moment before mentally shaking my head, not wanting to get entranced by the model.

I put my hand on his chest, it being the only solid thing I could get my hands on and pushed up gently, freezing when Kaylent’s eyes shot open.

“I-I…” I froze. I didn’t know what to say. “Um…”

“What would you like for breakfast?” Kaylent asked, gently rubbing my back with the arm that was around me on my waist.

My eyes widened as I stared open mouthed at him. I must have looked like a fish, my mouth just opening and closing, not knowing what to say. “D-doesn’t matter.” I whispered.

“Alright.” The man said, letting me sit up and slipping out of bed. “Pancakes sound good?”

I nodded, watching him walk from the room as I sat on his bed. I looked down at my hands, holding his sheets and laying down, pulling the comforter over me and snuggling into the sheets for a few minutes before I climbed out of the bed to go and see how Kaylent was progressing with our breakfast.

It still shocked me that he was cooking but I pushed past that thought to wonder why he was being so nice to me. Of course he was being nice to me for the past few days but he wasn’t being this friendly.

I couldn’t help the yawn that slipped out as I looked through my clothes for something to put on, seeing as I was only in my boxers and unlike Kaylent, didn’t feel all that comfortable walking around like that.

I found a hoodie that I borrowed from Chester and slipped on the too-big jacket, yawning after I put it on.

Deciding to sit in the middle seat of the three chairs, I watched Kaylent, laying my head down on the table and wrapping my arms around my waist, closing my eyes.

The nightmare from last night manifested in my mind and I sat up, not wanting to fall asleep and have a dream of Ryu again. The dreams only stopped when I went in to sleep with Kaylent.

I watched Kaylent mix the batter of the pancakes and saw from an open cabinet that there were some chocolate chips there. Slipping off of the chair, I walked towards the cabinet near the top and tried getting on my tip toes to reach the chocolate chips though I was just barely short enough.

Kaylent chuckled and reached up, grabbing them for me before handing them to me, probably thinking that I wanted to eat them plain but I shook my head.

“Let’s put them in the pancakes.” I said, a bright smile appearing on my face.

“Sure thing.” Kaylent said, opening the bag and pouring some in the mixture as I stirred the batter.

“Do you know how to make chocolate chip cookies?” I asked quietly, looking up at him. The chocolate reminded me of them and that I hadn’t had them recently.

“No, but I can always Google it.” He said laughing a little. “You want some?”

I nodded my head sheepishly, “only if you want some. “ I said

“They’re chocolate chip cookies. Who wouldn’t want some? You have anything else planned for the day? I don’t.” He said, looking down at me.

I shook my head. “Nope.”

Kaylent spent a few minutes on his phone before looking up. “Well that’s a good thing because I think we’re going to have to go to the store for some of this.

I giggled and nodded. “Sure thing.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Who likes Kay being a sweetie-pie!?!?!

So I realized this will not finish in two days. :/
hopefully in another week or two^.^
I need to get better at updating
