‹ Prequel: Just One Little Kiss
Sequel: Photograph Me

Kiss Me


I laughed as Toppin started singing along to the radio, jumping up and down in his seat belt. “I love this song!” He exclaimed and I raised an eyebrow.

“Really?” I asked, listening to it for a moment, not exactly thinking Toppin would be into popular music so much.

“Well…a band I love did a cover of this song and it sounds amazing.” He practically drooled, singing along.

“Sure, Toppin, sure.” I said and focused on the road, unable to keep the smirk from playing at my lips.

“Hey, don’t hate because you know your love my singing.” He said loudly and began singing even louder, a few people walking the streets stopping to stare at us as we stopped at a red light.

I let him sing, deciding that if it made him happy, it was well worth it.

When we got out of the car, I walked close to Toppin as we talked, feeling a desire to protect him surge in me, not wanting to let him out of my sight.

Necalli was walking down the hall too and paused to wait for us, talking to Toppin before looking over at me and giving me a wink when he wasn’t looking, glancing pointedly at our proximity. I rolled my eyes at the boy but couldn’t help the smile that appeared on my face.

Griffin was waiting for us, a smile in his eyes, seeming to be excited for today’s shoot.

“What are we doing today?” I asked as we walked into the room that was surprisingly cold.

“A snow shoot.” He said smiling. “But not outside because it’s not snowing, but I want to see your breaths, so I had to chill the room enough to make that happen.” He explained.

I nodded and saw Toppin trying to shrug on a big coat that Griffin handed to him. His left arm couldn’t seem to get through the arm hole so I held it for him, letting him get his arm through and pull the coat all the way on. “Thanks.” Toppin said, his cheeks dusting pink.

I saw Necalli give me a thumbs up and I just about groaned, wondering if he would stop with his suggestive motions if I used one of these winter jackets to smother him but thought it better to let him live. Toppin wouldn’t like me if I murdered his friend.

Griffin looked over at me as he handed me my jacket, watching me as I took it without complaint and put it on. The man nodded at me and walked off to get Necalli his own jacket.

We stood on this platform, a street scene behind us and some fake snow in a box above us with a door that would swing away to let it fall on us.

“Necalli, you here, then Kaylent, then Toppin…” Griffin said, grabbing us by the arm as he placed us in our positions, pausing when the door to his studio opened.

“Hey baby,” Jeremy walked in, making a bee-line for Griffin and picking him up, spinning him in a circle and kissing him passionately.

Toppin giggled and I looked at him down to my left, seeing the smile on his face at Jeremy and Griffin who were now hugging one another. I couldn’t take my eyes off of the boy in front of me though.

Necalli nudged me, not even breaking my trance until I turned to him, glaring as he smiled cheekily at me.

I bit my lip as to not say anything to Necalli about how obnoxious he was being and instead chose to return to watching Toppinhe was a fine specimen.

I felt a nudge and before I knew it, I fell, knocking into Toppin and sending us both to the ground. I barely caught myself before falling on top of him, our bodies inches from one another. For a moment we were both still and silent. My eyes caught Toppin’s and didn’t leave his until I realized the awkwardness of our positions.

“Uh, sorry. You alright?” I said, somehow managing to get up and helping a blushing Toppin up as well.

“It’s alright and yeah, I’m fine.” He said, smiling and brushing himself off.

“Toppin!” Necalli whined, “you’re supposed to tell him that you think you twisted your ankle so he would carry you around for the rest of the day!” he said.

I turned slowly to him, glaring as he kept that shit eating smile plastered to his face.

“Griffin, let’s get this shoot over with.” I muttered grumpily and both he and Jeremy laughed at my I-want-to-go-homewith Toppin nature.
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yay for updates!
look for at least one more today^.^