‹ Prequel: Just One Little Kiss
Sequel: Photograph Me

Kiss Me


I bit my lip as I climbed into Kaylent’s car, sitting with my backpack on my lap and hugging it to my chest. “I don’t want to go.” I whispered to myself, jumping when I heard Kaylent’s response.

“It’ll be alright. Charter will meet you there,” Kaylent murmured, smiling as he slipped into his car, putting on his seatbelt and reminding me to do the same before pulling out of the drive.

“It’s just…”

“He’s there.” Kaylent said, smiling sadly over at me.

I shrugged, looking down. Yesterday, all we did was hang out at Kaylent’s house and I had a great time. He let me have that day to just rest and relax and last night he mentioned that I’d have to go to school today.

Thinking back to the awkward moment when I asked Kaylent if I could stay the night with him again I blushed. I didn’t want to ask but it would be even more embarrassing if I did what I had the night before, just walking into his room and asking it in the middle of the night.

We didn’t end up cuddling like we did two nights ago but we did indeed cuddle and I don’t think either of us minded it.I definitely didn’t.

I’ve been getting the feeling that Kaylent may possibly maybe kind-of sort-of like me. I never really noticed him as much before as I do now that I’ve lived with him for a few days, but I can tell the difference of the look in his eyes when he sees me. I notice a slight change in him when I’m turned around and look to him, like he was looking at me and is embarrassed to be caught.

Whenever I think of Kaylent looking at me it brings a stupid smile to my face and before I knew it, we were already half way to school. I’m sure Kaylent gave up on conversation with me once he realized my thoughts were elsewhere. He had a worried look on his face though, almost as if he thought I was worrying about Ryu.

Almost to the school, I saw Charter’s car parked in front of a coffee place, the one he told us he’d meet us at. We agreed it would be best if Charter was the one dropping me off as he was strong and had a reputation. It would keep me safer; after hearing that, Kaylent agreed.

“Hey,” I said, seeing Charter sitting at a table, coffee in hand.

“Hello, you ready to go?” He asked and I nodded, turning to tell Kaylent thanks for driving me here when I realized he hadn’t come into the shop with me.

I walked out the door hurriedly, Charter behind me. My eyes widened when I saw Kaylent in front of Ryu, looking like the high school boy had just turned around.

Kaylent pulled back his fist but Charter was already there, holding his arm back. “Remember Kaylent, you’re a model.” He smirked and turned, punching Ryu square in the jaw hard before turning back to the model, “besides, you’ve already had your turn.”

Kaylent laughed at Charter, seeing a cursing Ryu on the ground, barely getting back up while rubbing his jaw, blood staining his upper lip.

“What the fuck ever!” He hollered, “I’ll stay away from that little whore Toppin.” He snarled before turning on his heel and running, not in the direction of the school thankfully.

My chest hurt at his words but I refused to let them really hurt me. When Kaylent pulled me to his chest I pressed myself against him, hugging him tightly, thankful for his comfort.

“Are you going to be alright or do you want to go back home?” He asked, referring to his home and making me smile and shake my head.

“No, I’ll be fine. Besides, it didn’t look like he was going to school any time soon.” I said, smiling to Charter and running to him, hugging him as well. “Thanks.” I whispered.

“Yeah, well if we’re going to school, we’d better get going.” He said, looking at his watch and trying to act like he hadn’t just punched out my ex.

“Sure thing.” I said and wrapped my arms around Kaylent’s body, holding him close to me for a second before letting go.

“What was that for?” He asked.

I shrugged and waved goodbye, grabbing my backpack and getting into Charter’s car. When I got out at the school, after promising him that I wouldn’t go anywhere without my phone on or a friend, I was surprised to see that three of my school friends came up to me, asking me where I was and why I was out for a few days.

I had previously seen them as just ‘school friends’ but that they noticed I was gone made me feel good.

Charter got out of the car and went up to them, telling them the summary of what happened and making them all promise to watch out for me. Allie hugged me to her after he was done speaking.

“Poor baby Toppin!” She said and kissed my cheek, making me blush. “Don’t worry, we’ll keep him safe.” She said and I laughed a little.

“You’d better.” Charter said and waved goodbye to me, Allie pulling me after her and telling me about everything I missed while I was gone.
♠ ♠ ♠
hip hip horay!!!!

guess what happens in about two chapters!?!?!

I have the next chapter 5/6 written. I'll post again soon. - if you haven't read the last chapter, pleas do so!
