‹ Prequel: Just One Little Kiss
Sequel: Photograph Me

Kiss Me


I hummed to myself as I got in my house, looking at the clock and seeing that I got home early. Putting my books and backpack away, I went to get something to drink, choosing chocolate milk.

I was just about to pour myself a glass when I heard the doorbell ring. I knew that it was far too early for my mom to be home, but who was there wasn’t expected either.

“Kaylent?” I asked, quirking an eyebrow as I held open the door for him.

He came inside and stood there, fidgeting with his hands and looking completely un-Kaylent-like.

“I have something to say.” He said, looking at me earnestly.

I bit my lip at how serious he was being and I started to feel a little self-conscious. “Go on.” I said quietly. It felt like some part of me knew exactly what was about to happen.

“I…I don’t exactly know how to say this, but Toppin, I care about you. A lot. Ever since we kissed that one day I’ve had you on my mind. Of course at first I thought it was just annoyance, but I have come to realize that it is not that. It’s not that at all.” He stepped forward and took my hands in his, looking down at me closely.

“All I’m here to ask for is for the chance for a relationship. I swear to you that I would never do anything you don’t want and I’ll be the best boyfriend ever. Toppin, I love you.” He whispered, words and emotions flowing out of him.

He lifted his hand to my cheek as he said those last three words, drawing my eyes towards him. I was frozen for a moment before I gasped, his words sinking in.


Is in love.

With me.

“I-I” My cheeks caught fire as I tried to find the words to tell Kaylent what I really felt for him. “That first day we met, I thought you were beautiful.” I said quietly, “and I have every day since. I was really happy when you were chosen to be my mentor and I fell more for you every day and I never knew if you liked me back because you didn’t show it and-“ I was cut off with Kaylent’s lips pressing against my own.

His hands stayed gently on my own, not pressuring me into anything. Shocked at first, I kissed him back, pulling my hands away and putting them in his hair, tugging and kissing him roughly, giggling at him as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close.

It was a slow, passionate, gentle kiss and left me breathless. I rested my head on Kaylent’s shoulder, blushing. “I don’t think I’m in love with you yet, but I’m close.” I whispered, not wanting to look up into his eyes.

“I can wait.” He said just as quietly, causing a small smile to slip onto my face as I ventured a glance at him.

“Now what?” I asked.

“Be my boyfriend?” He asked and I nodded.

“Definitely.” I said and leaned up, kissing him again.

I pulled back, looking up at his eyes for a moment, not really believing this was happening. “Wait, is this a dream?” I asked, my eyes widening in fear. If this was a dream, I’d never want to wake up.

“Does this feel like a dream to you?” Kaylent asked and wrapped his arms around me, spinning me in circles.

“No.” I said and he lay down, letting me rest against his side like I had not too long ago. “It’s just so…surreal.” I whispered into his chest before nearly jumping up, squealing. “I need to call Necalli!” I exclaimed and Kaylent rolled his eyes, pulling me back onto the couch.

“Trust me, he already knows.” The man murmured into my ear.

“But I didn’t-“

“I did. I wanted to talk to him because I was nervous as hell.” He said before chuckling at himself a little about him being nervous. He was a model who had perfect confidence in his body. It was just matters of love that caused him to be nervousand me.

I've liked Kaylent, sure, but it has always been in that sort of 'he's a hot jock who's never going to like me back' sort of way. I never thought that I would get a chance with him ever in a million years and now that I did? It made me forget all about some lowlife like Ryu ever existing.
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let me know if there's anything wrong with the chapter, it was cut and pasted all together:D
i hit 100 comments^.^

but only got 2 for my last 3 updates:/
hopefully you'll comment on this uber cute update!
