‹ Prequel: Just One Little Kiss
Sequel: Photograph Me

Kiss Me


I slipped my jacket on, smoothing it down and making sure it fit right. Checking myself in the mirror, I reminded myself that I wasn’t primping for the cameras, but rather primping for Toppin.

Biting my lip, my eyes darted towards the clock. It was just about six o’clock and I was scheduled to pick Toppin up in an hour. I didn’t want to show up too early and look over eager, but at the same time, I didn’t want to show up late and make myself look like an asshole who didn’t care about others’ time.

Okay, so maybe I was someone who didn’t care about others’ time, but with Toppin things were different, very different.

I was surprised that the boy wanted to go out so soon. The day I asked him to be my boyfriendI did not fist pump in my head when he said yes, he said that he was ‘free this Friday since our afternoon shoot got cancelled.’ When he said it, he had this adorable little smile on his face and I realized just how deep I was in. I immediately said I’d pick him up at seven.

My phone buzzed and I looked over, seeing that it was my Mother calling. I smiled, remembering the dinner we had together yesterday. It was awkward at first, but things seemed to even themselves out the more we talked. I came out to my parents as well, telling them that I was in love and serious about a boy named Toppin.

I would have to say the look of surprise on my father’s face outshined my mother by far. I think she must have guessed though how I’d never know. Later, she told me that she saw the photos of Toppin and I kissing that day and said we looked so happy and smiley together that it must have been love. I still think she’s telepathic or something.

”To think that my skirt-chasing Kaylent would fall in love with a boy…” He shook his head, chuckling, “well as long as you are happy, what does gender matter?”

I left my parents’ house feeling better than I had in a long time and I asked them if they minded if I brought Toppin with me. My mother insisted I bring him to our next dinner which she also insisted would be next Wednesday, a week from that day.

Once I told Toppin about reconnecting with my parents, he was overjoyed, throwing his arms around my neck and congratulating me on it.

Remembering his excitement made me think of how he was probably at home right now, bouncing around the house and trying to find something to wear though honestly he looked amazing in anythingor nothing I’m sure.

I glanced back at the clock, eyes widening when I realized I spent half an hour trapped in my own thoughts. Grabbing my keys, phone and wallet from the counter, I hit the road, deciding to be early to Toppin’s place, sending a text to my friend before I left to make sure our dinner preparations were set.

The perfect first date was planned for us and I knew Toppin would love it. Yesterday when I came over I found out that he wanted to see this new movie that was coming out next week.

Me being me, next week wouldn’t be good enough. I contacted a few friends, one of the directors I did a cover for and got him to get me an unreleased DVD of it and the perfect date plan hatched.

I rang the doorbell, standing back a little, unable to keep the smile from my face.

It was Toppin’s mother who answered the door, welcoming me in and letting me know that he would only be ‘another minute.’

I thanked her for letting me in and kept talking with her, the woman leaving slight hints that I should be good to her boy though I don’t think she was that worried. She knows what I did for Toppin before, hell, I love him. I’d rather die than hurt him.

“So where are you two going tonight?” She asked.

“Toppin doesn’t know yet, but there’s a movie coming out next week and I got it early. A friend of mine has this flat with a great view of the city as well as this other part that goes up sort of and I’ve set up a little movie theatre there for us.” I said excitedly, proud of myself.

“I’m sure he’ll love it.” She said, placing her hand on my arm with a smile, glancing at the stairs to where Toppin suddenly was.

“Love what?” The boy asked and I laughed a little.

“You’ll see. Ready to go?” I asked and he nodded.

“By mom, love you.” She kissed his cheek and he hurried out the door with me.

“I would apologize for her but there’s no helping mothers.” He said, giggling as I opened the door him.

“Isn’t that the truth?” I murmured, smiling and thinking of my own mother. We kept talking about our crazy mothers as well as other things on our way to my friend’s place, Toppin trying to guess our final destination.

“So there’s going to be food, a movie and we’re not going back to your place or to any movie theatre I know of. I’m stumped.” He pouted, giving up on trying to look around desperately to figure out where we’re going.

“We’re here.” I said, pulling aside to the lit up entryway to my friends’ place.

Toppin looked at the building and bit his lip as he climbed out of the car, my friend coming from the building and handing me his keys as he said hello to Toppin. “Let me know when you’re done with the place. The roof key is on there. Have a good date!” he called and ran off, leaving Toppin even more clueless.

“Heading up to the roof I see.” Toppin murmured, following me there.

“Don’t worry, you’ll love it.” I said, taking his hand in my own.

I led him all the way to the top of the building, opening the door to the roof from my friend’s place to see the rooftop set up exactly as I had planned, the garden beautiful and the movie player and projector set up, a couch before it for Toppin and I to sit in, food laid out before us with small nets over them to keep any flies off of them.

Toppin smiled at the sight before him, gasping when he realized that the movie on the screen was the title of the one he was talking to me about yesterday. “How did you-“

“Anything’s possible for you, my love.” I whispered, wrapping my arms around his waist and kissing his forehead. “So shall we get to dinner and our movie?” I asked.

“Definitely.” Toppin whispered, kissing my lips before taking me to run and jump on the couch, pulling me with him.

After the movie and our meals as well as popcorn, Toppin wrapped his arms around my waist. “Kaylent?” He asked.

“Yes?” I looked over and down at him, smiling at the beautiful boy.

“This has been the best date ever.”
♠ ♠ ♠
love me^.^

four chapters left, I believe :D

roof top | roof as well
