‹ Prequel: Just One Little Kiss
Sequel: Photograph Me

Kiss Me


Toppin was setting his things down on the table, much like he had the night after Ryu hurt him, but this time it was different; this time, Toppin belonged to me.

Toppin’s mother was a little hesitant about him spending the night with his ‘older boyfriend’ as she told him, standing in front of me, may I mention, but when we reminded her that he stayed for several days over my place without anything happening, she agreed.

“Have you eaten dinner yet?” I asked him, slipping my arms around the boy from behind.

Toppin blushed and shook his head. “No, actually.”

“Good, because neither have I.” I said, pressing my lips to the top of his head before asking what he would like.

“Anything’s fine…how about some chicken?” he asked, looking at me.

“I just may have some…..here.” I said, pulling the chicken out of the fridge and setting it on the counter, grabbing whatever else I would need.

“Can you teach me how to cook?” Toppin asked shyly from beside me, watching the ingredients I set on the counter.

“Yeah. First, to make it taste good, you want to put some breading on the chicken and season it.” I began, walking him through every step of making the meal, kissing him and being close to him every chance I could get.

Once we were finished with our meal, Toppin helped me clean up and then pulled out a board game he had brought with him, telling me I was a ‘bum’ for not having anything other than a deck of cards.

“So, what are we going to play?” I asked, seeing as he hadn’t told me what he brought.

“Monopoly.” He said, picking out one bag and taking the box from it and dropping the rest of his things beside the couch, setting up the board game for us to play.

“I want the blue one!” I called, leaning over him to grab it.

Toppin pouted before grabbing the red. “Well then I’ll just be red.” He said, pouting playfully.

Thirty minutes later we were rolling the die and hollering about who was going to beat who, Toppin laughing after he told me he was going to win so bad, I’ll beg him for my last dollar.

I wasn’t paying attention to the board though; I was far too caught up in Toppin’s beauty. He was beside, giggling and having a good time; I was defenseless.

Leaning over, I caught his lips with my own, surprising him a little, I’m sure. He kissed back though only after a moment, pressing his lips and body against mine, letting met settle my arms around his small waist.

We pulled away for just a moment, just long enough for me to tell Toppin how damn beautiful he was and for us to catch our breath before we were attached once more, Toppin’s hands working their way up to my hair. He moaned into the kiss as my thumbs rubbed small circles into his hips, pushing me down a little so that he was on top of me, kissing me for all he was worth.

“Toppin…”I breathed out throatily as he kissed my neck lightly.

Without warning, Toppin pulled away, gasping. He slapped his hands over his mouth and I was left wondering exactly what just happened.

“I-I…” He took in a deep breath, climbing off of me and squeezing his eyes shut.

Knowing the game was over, I turned to the boy before me. I didn’t touch Toppin but spoke instead, “you can have the bed tonight. I’ll take the couch.” I whispered, knowing that he needed some space.

“Thanks.” He whispered, his voice shaky, like he didn’t know exactly why he did what he just did. “Night.” He murmured, taking his bag and going into my room.

I sighed, cleaning up the monopoly game and pulling an extra set of bed sheets out of the hall closet for the couch, feeling horrible.

I should not have rushed him like that.
♠ ♠ ♠
If you didn't read the last chapter, go do it!

two chapters left!!!!!

Next chapter may be out tonight. It depends how far I get.
