‹ Prequel: Just One Little Kiss
Sequel: Photograph Me

Kiss Me


“Necalli…” I whispered through the phone. “I need to talk.”

“Where are you?” He asked, sounding like he expected this, surprising me a little.

“Home.” I murmured softly, feeling like I didn’t know what to feel.

“I’ll be there in five.”

I sat waiting for him, staring at my clock and watching the minutes. I wrapped my arms around my legs, holding them tight to my chest, not bothering to get up; Necalli knew where I kept the spare key, just like Kaylent.

I bit my lip just thinking of my boyfriend. Last night he was being so sweet, teaching me how to cook, playing Monopoly with me and I had to just go and ruin it, making him sleep on the couch of all things! Breakfast was a silent affair and the car ride was worse.

Hearing footsteps, I turned my attention towards the front door, hearing the key going into the lock and turning, the door swinging open to reveal a flushed Necalli. He obviously got here as fast as he could.

“What happened?” He asked, sitting down next to me on the couch.

“Well I was staying over Kaylent’s house yesterday and we had dinner and played Monopoly together and then, while we were playing, he kissed me, and….I freaked out and then this morning things were just weird between us.” I breathed, putting my face into my knees, knowing I did something wrong.

“Of course are weird between you if you freaked out when he kissed you!” Necalli exclaimed, throwing his hands up. “I don’t know how many times I have told you to give that boy a damn chance!” He took a deep breath, “so why did you freak out?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know…it was the same thing I was feeling the other day. Something just felt….off.” I whispered, looking at the lining on the jeans I wore.

“Toppin. Look at me.” Necalli spoke word by word, slowly and with emphasis. “Kaylent. Is. Not. Ryu.”

I gasped; it was like what Necalli has been telling me all this time was just registering. I put both of my hands over my mouth in shock, thinking back on what I did. This morning was so awkward because there was nothing Kaylent did wrong; it was just something that was inside my head. Something I had just realized.

I really have been thinking somewhere deep inside of me that Kaylent would do the exact same thing Ryu did; that he would hurt me, but Kaylent was different. He would never ever do something like that. He was kind and sweet and loving and he just wanted to hug and kiss me, show his affection while all I did was freak out and make him sleep on the couch.

I didn’t want Kaylent to feel put off, I loved him.

I froze; I love Kaylent. The more I thought the words, the truer they became. This emotion I was feeling wasn’t simply the affection you felt for a friend or relative; it was different, deeper. It made me crazy and caused me to do things I would never do normally.

I looked to Necalli from staring into space. “I need to see Kaylent.” I said and Necalli smiled at me.

“I expected as much. Do you know where he is?” He asked.

“He should be at home.” I told him, only grabbing shoes after Necalli reminded me of how cold it was outside, leaving everything else in the house and jumping into Necalli’s car.

We made it to Kaylent’s house in record time and I jumped out of the car, running up the stairs, stumbling a little before banging on his door, the doorbell not sufficing for what I wanted; I wanted him to know I was here.

The door opened and a shocked Kaylent stood before me. “Look, Toppin, I’m sorr-“

I jumped towards him, wrapping my arms around him and kissing him deeply, showing him all the love I wish I had last night, not caring who on the street was watching us. “I love you, and don’t you dare apologize, you did absolutely nothing wrong!” I exclaimed, kissing him once more. “Somewhere inside of me, I thought you were Ryu and I realized only now just how wrong that was. I'm so sorry. I know you would never do anything like that to me. You love me and I love you. I love you, Kaylent.”

“Oh Toppin...” Kaylent whispered into my ear, hugging me tighter than I’ve ever been hugged before. “I love you, so fucking much.”

“Me too, Kayly, me too.”
♠ ♠ ♠
10 more comments until I hit 120, please make it happen!

one chapter left. and y'know what's in it? ;)
