‹ Prequel: Just One Little Kiss
Sequel: Photograph Me

Kiss Me


I picked up the phone, calling Perry, my old photographer to make sure things were all set.

"So you're going to drop the bomb on him while on the way here? That'll be one to tell the grandchildren." He chuckled and I laughed along with the man.

“It should be interesting. He knows where going somewhere, he just doesn’t know where. His Mom thought the trip was a wonderful idea. She was so excited for him when I told him yesterday what to pack.

“So what are you going to do there for a week before the shoot?” Perry asked.

I shrugged, only realizing after a few seconds of silence that he couldn’t see it. “Not sure really, whatever Toppin wants to do. I’m sure he’s going to want to see all the major tourist attractions, but honestly, we could sit in a coffee shop all week and I wouldn’t care because I’d be with him.” I said, being truthful.

I heard a chuckle across the line and asked what he was laughing about, “You’ve changed, Kaylent.” He murmured. “I still remembered when I first met you, you had just left your family and were trying to make it on your own, willing to do anything for a big job, regardless of who you pushed to the ground on your way up.”

I frowned, hearing him talk of the ‘past me’. I knew I was a jerk; it was the persona I was going for.

“Now though, you’re going to one of the most visited cities in the world by models and photographers and rather than bloodthirstily going to hunt down someone to get you money, you’d be perfectly alright with sitting in a coffee shop with your lover. I can’t wait to meet this boy who changed you so drastically.” He said and I could tell from the sound of his voice that he was smiling.

“Well you will soon enough. Alright, well I’ve got to go and get Toppin. He’s staying the night so we can leave early in the morning tomorrow and not wake his Mother up.” I said and after Perry told me goodbye and wished me a safe flight, he hung up.

I hit the end call on my phone and grabbed my keys, leaving my house locked before driving to Toppin’s house. I thought back to our last shoot together just about a week ago, perhaps we would see Jeremy and Griffin when we got where we were going.

Shaking my head and leaving thinking for later, I pulled up at Toppin’s house, both of it’s occupants already outside on the steps, Toppin’s luggage there as well.

I hugged his mother, thanking her for letting me steal him away for a little while, having already said goodbye to my own mother earlier this morning, her making me promise to bring her back something.

“Ready to go?” I asked Toppin.

“I would be more ready if I knew where we were going.” He said playfully, sticking his tongue out at me as we loaded his bags into my car.

I laughed a little, “No can do sweetheart. It’s a surprise.” I said, poking his nose with my forefinger. I climbed back into my car, seeing Toppin hug his Mom and kiss her cheek before joining me, buckling his seat belt before letting his hand rest on the center console where I attached mine to his.

He smiled over at me, his eyes bright as he kept talking excitedly, attempting to guess where we would be going.

If he keeps guessing within the United States, he’s never going to get it. I couldn’t hold back my smile as I thought this, imagining what his face would look like tomorrow when he found out.
♠ ♠ ♠
So when I planned out my chapters, I mean to have the last chapter in Toppin's POV, but it didn't turn out like that and I accidentally ended up writing it in his POV anyway, so I wrote this chapter to even it out.

I'll be posting the last chapter in a little bit:D
