‹ Prequel: Just One Little Kiss
Sequel: Photograph Me

Kiss Me


As I opened the door to my apartment, I sighed as I looked down to see my mail left there and I realized my mail slot next to the door was still taped shut from when it was snowing and cold was seeping in a few days ago.

Flipping past the bills, I saw one that was from the modeling company I worked for, Mostiva Style. Opening the envelope, I saw a letter inside, and I opened it eagerly. They always had galas and parties we models could go to so that we could talk and collaborate.

I began to read:

Dear Kaylent Flavos,

Mostiva Style have decided to institute a new program for all of the new models coming into the business. Knowing that we are only the best of the best, we would like it to stay that way and make sure our young proteges have all the skills they can get.

This is the reason we have decided to make this change and start having 'mentors' for our newer models. This is a great way to expose them in the life, and get to know a more experienced model they can go to if they need some help or guidance.

As one of our best models, we have chosen a promising young model named Toppin Gasha for you to mentor.

You worked a shoot with this boy before and the pictures were fantastic. Starting tomorrow, we are hopping you could switch to Toppin's set. He is taking pictures with Griffin and should be with Necalli.

If you have any problems with this pairing, feel free to write a letter in response, call us, or come into the main office.

Your employer,

Jeremy Stele,
Owner and Executive of Mostiva Style

My eyes widened as I saw this. They couldn't be serious. They actually wanted me to help the faggot?

I shivered and considered calling or going in to tell them that they had something wrong, and that I'd rather do anything than work with him.

On top of all of that, they were making me work with fucking Griffin and Necalli probably the two biggest faggots in this goddamn studio.

Necalli and I hated one another, because he tried being all huggy with me when he first came here, and I practically told him to fuck off.

We never got along too well after that. Then there was Griffin, who didn't like me because I "made Necalli cry." Fucking pansy needed to learn to man up.

If I told them I wanted to switch though, they wouldn't think I could handle it.

Sighing, I put my head in my hands. Why was it always me that had to deal with these kinds of problems. All my friends models and non models lived pretty fine, normal lives, and they didn't always feel like someone had woke up in the morning and thought of ways to make my life hell.

Groaning, I let the robe from around my body drop to the ground as I threw the mail onto my kitchen table. I needed a hot shower.

Slipping inside and turning on the hot water, I couldn't help but be relaxed. Maybe this won't be such a bad thing, maybe it'll be fine, and I will be able to deal with this boy, on the other hand, it could turn out to be the worst mistake I could ever make, but then again, who knows? I certainly won't if I don't take a change.

Resigned to my decision, I decided it would be worth a try, I just wouldn't let those good-for-nothing friends hear about this. If Jeff or Kyle ever got wind of this, I was fucked with a capital F.

I could only be grateful that they weren't models as well. Then I'd really be done for.

Getting out of the shower, I slid on some random clothes and messed my hair up a little, not bothering to do anything with it. If they wanted to do something with it, then they would, it wasn't my job to do my own hair.

I walked out the door after slipping on my converse, grabbing my keys and after a moment's hesitation, the letter from the table, locking the door and climbing into the my car.

Gunning it, I realized I was late....not for my normal set, they'd let me come in whenever I wanted. But Griffin was sure to be a bitch about eveything. Well, at least I knew what he was going to bitch at me for.

I parked in my normal spot, leaning against the car for a moment, rubbing my eyes with one hand.

Here goes nothing.

I walked into the building, smiling and waving to the receptionist. "Hey Kaylent." She said in I guess what she thought was a suggestive tone.

I rolled my eyes and kept walking, heading towards Griffin's set. Opening the door, I stood there and held up the letter.

"Sorry I'm a little late." I said, smirking a little at Griffin, then I looked to where he was shooting; it was Toppin and Necalli in a bathtub together with soap suds all over the makeshift bathroom.

They were both smiling until they saw me. Necalli frowned deeply at me and pulled Toppin onto his lap as if protecting him.

Then my brain shut down, Oh shit, were they naked in there?!

"Why the hell are you here?" Griffin growled out.

"I am Toppin's mentor, and I have been told to work with him on your set." I said. It was worth it to come here just to see the look on Griffin's face.

The man frowned and lowered his camera. "You two can dry off." He said and walked towards me, snatching the paper out of my hands.

Necalli lifted Toppin to his feet and then climbed out as well, and i saw that almost as bad as being naked, they were wearing spedoes. Yeah, those things you only see creepy old men at the beach wearing.

Albiet the fact Toppin looked rather sexy in those clothes. I shook my head. I did not just think that.

Griffin nodded. "Fine. You won't give me any shit or I'll refer your ass to Jeremy." He growled.

Fuck! Last time I saw Jeremy, he told me I had to get my shit together....it also had something to do about how he was dating Griffin, and stil is.

If Griffin wanted me gone, I think he might have the power to do that.

"Nope, no shit from me." I said, smiling and looking over at Toppin. "No shit at all."
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well, sven i guess has taken a hiatis from mibba, so I'm continueing this story by myself now.

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not much going on, it's kindof a filler, but i promise, stuffusses is going on in the next chapter:D

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