‹ Prequel: Just One Little Kiss
Sequel: Photograph Me

Kiss Me


I blushed as Necalli pulled me into his lap, but marveled at his warmth. He was even warmer than the tub of water we had poured. I snuggled back against him and he kissed the side of my head softly, his eyes still focused on Kaylent.

Oh, that's right, I forgot to mention Kaylent. Well, he'd walked in and claimed that he was supposed to mentor me. I was clueless. He had been against making out with me on the day I first met him, but when it came down to it, he seemed to not be able to get enough though I have no idea why. After the shoot, I gave him my number in a shy attempt to be friends, but he'd never called me back, and as I was leaving, I saw him washing off the ink on his hand. Now he was here to supposedly mentor me? I was beyond confused.

As I was thinking, I guess Griffin told us to get out of the tub, because Necalli was pulling my hips up and out of the white claw-footed bath.

I shivered as my skin hit the cool air. I had been avoiding looking into Kaylent's eyes, but now I saw them, and he was looking at me too. In a blink of an eye, I had adverted my gaze to where Necalli was coming towards me with a towel and a warm smile.

He put one corner over my shoulder and I held it there as he did the same at the other end of the huge towel, then he rolled himself up in it until we were both completely covered by the towel and could still walk side-by-side to the changing rooms that were in the corner of the room.

Our shoot today had been an ad for these cute pink rubber duckies that were meant to support those with breast cancer. Griffin always picked the meaningful ads and posters, not the ones that supported things like drinking and drugs.

I had been at this job for a week, and I can honestly say that I love it. Not only do I love being a model (now that I've accepted the fact that I am indeed a model) by screaming with happiness into my pillow, but I also love the photography part of it, and I have expressed my views to Griffin. He said he'd give me pointers on things as we took views and he'd lend me one of his cameras, not the ones he used on the shoots, but a smaller one, simpler for a starting photographer.

Griffin seemed genuinely pleased that I liked his trait, and I found that Necalli liked design and settings. Griffin had joked that the two of us would make a perfect photography team. Also, Griffin told us that we were smart for having other plans for our lives rather than just modeling like some didprobably Kaylent and have nothing to do with yourself when you're too old to model anymore.

Which reminds me.....

"N-Necalli?" I asked, looking over at him.

We were both sitting in the changing room, huddling together for warmth before we made a mad dash to go and get our clothing.

"Yes my adorable, delectable Toppin?" He asked, causing my cheeks to flush.

"Uh...what happened with Kaylent...why were you like that back there. You're nice to everyone, but you were almost...standoffish to him." I breathed out, looking over to see Necalli shift slightly.

"Well, I tried being friends with him when I first started modeling....I was like I am with everyone else, happy and hugging and kissing and just holding hands and all with him, but after only a short amount of time, he started pushing me away. He never really liked it at first, I guess but one day, he just flipped. He shoved me to the ground and called me a 'nobody' and said that I wasn't worthy of touching him." Necalli hissed, glaring at the ground.

My eyes widened, but for some reason, I could see Kaylent doing something like that to him. "I'm sorry." I whispered, but Necalli wasn't done.

"I sat on the ground and cried and then Griffin saw me crying and he defended me against Kaylent. I didn't know Griffin at the time, but I am glad that I met him, else I wouldn't have gotten this job in his studio, I'd still be with that old fart Keith." He said, frowning. "He never did any fun shoots, and most of his were cigarette commercials. If I hadn't met Griffin then, I would have resigned a week later, because smoking kills and all, and I was around it every day." He said softly, and on instinct, I leaned over and kissed his cheek.

Necalli smiled gently at me before standing up, pulling me inadvertently with him. "Well, that was a few years ago...and it's no big deal now. Just....don't let him hurt you. If he so much as thinks of saying something mean to you, tell me alright?" Necalli asked, looking down into my eyes.

I nodded. "Okay....I guess we should get dressed now." I whispered, and Necalli shrugged, "Or I could just do this." He said, and spun so fast I was startled when the towel dropped away from me.

Then he used the towel to gently hit my butt, smiling and laughing as he did so.

I giggled and ran to the other side of the room, pressing myself into a corner and pretending to be frightened. "Oh, no Necalli, don't spank me!" I said, and burst into laughter, walking over to him and taking the towel before darting back and using it to hit his, but, but on accident, I guess I did it too hard and it made a snapping sound against his butt.

"Ouchie." Necalli said, still laughing a little, rubbing his speedo-clad butt. My eyes were wide.

"Are you alright?" I asked, "I didn't mean to do it that hard." I said, and Necalli pouted at me.

"That really hurt, give me a hug." He demanded, and i giggled, sauntering over to him and wrapping my arms around his bare torso.

Necalli went to hug me, but he squeezed my butt instead.

I squeaked as Necalli ran for the towel wrapping himself up in it to protect himself. I went after him and then noticed the sound at the door.

"What the fuck was that?" I heard, and saw Kaylent standing there, my breath quick from our running around the changing room.

I'm guessing he just saw Necalli grab my ass.

"Nothing." Necalli said playfully at me, looking at me the whole time, then he looked over at Kaylent and followed his eyes......to my speedo. I blushed and covered myself with my hands as Necalli smirked. "Kaylent, I think you like Toppin." He breathed out, smirking.

Kaylent's cheeks flushed and he glared at Necalli. "Never, why would I like some faggot?" He asked, breaking my heart a little.

"Why else would you be staring at his junk?" Necalli said, and Kaylent glared at him, saying nothing.

"I don't like him." He finally growled out.

"Really?" Necalli asked, walking towards me and draping the towel over a chair.

"Really." Kaylent stated, deadpan.

"So you won't mind if I do this, then, huh?" Necalli asked before crashing his lips against my own.
♠ ♠ ♠
this took almost a month and i am so sorry for the long-ass wait that i wrote this just now.

comments=love=more updates and me being reminded baout this story:D

thanks to all those hwo have commented:D
