‹ Prequel: Just One Little Kiss
Sequel: Photograph Me

Kiss Me


I couldn't describe the emotion that filled me as I watched the pansy Necalli make out with the beautiful Toppin. My jaw hung open and I just stared as Necalli pulled away, a smirk on his features as he looked over at me.

Toppin's face flushed. Those beautiful plump pink lips that tasted so good.

I shook my head, feeling my own cheeks darken as I denied Necalli's previous statement in my mind. "So you won't mind if I do this, then, huh?"

A shiver ran down my back. "I-I have to go now." I said and stepped back, away from a laughing Necalli.

Before i made it out the door though, I heard him say something to Toppin. "I knew it." He murmured as the door shut.

Griffin gave me a strange look as I came out and sat down in one of the couches he had in this one corner of the studio.

"What happened in there?" He asked and when i looked at him again, his eyes were on the laptop before him, no doubt looking at the pictures form the shoot he'd just had.

"Nothing." I said softly.

A smile appeared on Griffin's face. "You've changed." He murmured, and I scoffed.

"No I haven't." I said, but Griffin laughed knowingly.

"The 'old Kaylent' wouldn't have come out of a changing room with only two other men inside, blushing." He said.

I stood angrily to my feet, but Griffin didn't even move. "Come look at this picture." He said, and begrudgingly, I listened.

He was my boss now, whether I liked it or not.

I looked and saw a picture of Necalli and Toppin in the tub. Necalli had Toppin pulled into his chest and Toppin looked like he felt safe. He looked happy in that tub with Necalli's arms around him and it angered me more than anything.

I didn't want anyone else to be the one to put a smile on his face.

I growled at the picture, and Griffin nodded, as if something clicked into place. "As I thought..." He said softly, and I glared at him.

"What are you talking about?" I hissed.

Griffin smirked. "You can't honestly say that you don't." He said.

"That I don't what?" I hissed at him.

"That you don't like Toppin." He said, and my eyes widened.

"You too? Honestly, I expect it from Necalli to pretend that I'm gay and say I like him, but you as well?" I groaned and ran my hands through my hair.

This was not happening.

I shook my head, shivering a little as I heard a voice behind me. "That's so funny." Necalli was smirking at me. "We both saw it withing minutes and we didn't even tell one another about it, and we both saw that one coming." He smirked.

I saw Toppin there, a violent blush covering his features. He looked up at me through his fringe and turned his attention back towards the floor which had turned oh so interesting.

"G-Guys, just d-don't w-worry ab-bout it." He stuttered out, not again meeting my eyes.

Necalli cooed gently at him and kissed one of his rosy cheeks. "No, we have to worry about it. We wouldn't want to leave you in a room alone with Kaylent and have him end up jumping your sexy little ass." He said, and I growled angrily.

"You're so stupid." I hissed at Necalli, about to continue, but Griffin had stood up and he placed a hand on my shoulder in warning.

"Children, settle down." He said, and looking between the three of us, raised an eyebrow.

"Well now, we're here to model, so let's get down to it." Griffin said, looking at me pointedly. "Mentor, start mentoring, give him hints, tips, though I have to admit, if you do start getting any ideas about him, I'll personally cut off your-"

"Calm down, the lot of you. I'm not going to jump his bones. Stop acting like he's the innocent little bunny. We made out when we first met." I said, rolling my eyes, and Necalli jumped back, wrapping his arms around the boy.

"You did what to my baby boy!?" He exclaimed before cracking up. "Just because he's not the most innocent thing ever doesn't mean we can't treat him like he is." Necalli murmured and kissed his cheek once more before Griffin called our attention.

He had already picked out outfits for all of us while we had been arguing and he told us each what to put on. "Me too?" I asked and Griffin nodded.

"Of course, Kaylent. You're working on this shoot now as well." He said, and I gasped.

"What about all of the endorsements I had? All of the companies and brands that signed me on with my photographer?" I asked, I had worked for all of that, harder than I was willing to let anyone know.

"They'll still be there when you're done training Toppin." He said and pushed the clothing and accessories into my hands, and I saw that the other two had already started changing. I was still standing there in shock.

"How long until I get to go back?" I asked sharply. "I have millions of dollars at stake here!" I exclaimed and Griffin chuckled.

"As long as it takes." He said, and would not tell me anymore.

Sighing, I slipped on the clothes Griffin gave me. Let's just hope this gig wouldn't last long.
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this is shorter than the others......
comments are love!!!!!!!