‹ Prequel: Just One Little Kiss
Sequel: Photograph Me

Kiss Me


I yawned and rolled over, waking up to the sound of my phone ringing. Picking it up, I groggily answered, “Hello?”

“Hey Top-Top, It’s Chester, I’m taking you to school this morning, so get up!” he said and hung up and I groaned, because knowing him, he was already on the way over.

Climbing out of my bed, I saw that my Mother was indeed gone. She was probably the one that called Chester and told him to pick me up.

I smiled as I saw Kessie snuggling with Chester in my bed, Tulu near them as well.

Kessie let out a soft mewl at my disturbing their rest, but let it go, grumbling a little and laying her head back down on Chester’s comfy body.

I rubbed her head a little before jumping in the shower, throwing clothes on. I proceeded to grab my backpack and running down the stairs, slipping my converse on as well as pouring my pets their individual foods as they were picky eaters.

Sighing, I felt like I forgot something just as I heard a car beep from outside.

My phone!

Dashing back up the stairs, I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and hollered goodbye to the three of the fur balls still snuggled up on the bed.

I ran out the door, locking it behind me quickly and hopped into Chester’s old beat up pick up truck.

“Oh shit I’m going to be late, step on the gas!” I said, and Chester started laughing.

I froze as he pointed to the alarm clock, seeing that he was laughing because I was a whole hour early for school.

“I was going to take you to breakfast, you didn’t eat, I’m guessing?” He asked, and I nodded.

“Nope….where are we going?” I asked, looking at him, and he shrugged.

“Wherever you want.” He said and I shrugged as well.

“I don’t mind. You can decide.” I told him, and he nodded, beginning to drive once I had my seatbelt safely buckled in.

“So, I’m thinking of asking Mellie out on a date.” He said and I squealed, pumping my fist. I knew if I gave him enough time to think it over, and if I didn’t press it, he would tell me about what he thought about her and he did!

“You should!” I exclaimed, and he chuckled. “We could go on a double date. Bring that boy from the modeling agency you work with. You guys can just go as friends.” He said and I looked at him with wide eyes.

“Necalli or Kaylent?” I asked, wondering which one he was talking about, though I doubted it would be Kaylent since-

“Kaylent as in that boy who was an ass to you?” He hissed out.

I shrugged. “We work together now. I guess he got assigned to me as my ‘mentor’ or something so he has to work with us. But him and Necalli have a bad history together…and Griffin’s giving him a chance, I guess, but they were saying stuff about him liking me and I mean – I like him but just his looks. He’s a butt to be around.” I said and looked down at my phone in my hands, seeing a missed text from a little bit ago.

It was from Necalli. Hey sweet-cheeks, what’s up?

I smiled and wrote him back, watching as Chester looked over at me. “The one you’re giggling about texting.” He said, and I blushed.

“I don’t really like Necalli like that. We’re just friends. I mean, he’s so pretty and it makes me awfully self conscious to be around him modeling with him, but what can I do?” I said, looking out the window to watch a building go by.

“Don’t say that Toppin, if you weren’t at least as pretty as him or prettier than you wouldn’t be modeling with him.” Chester said reassuringly and I smiled.

“Thanks Chester.” I said, and he parked outside of this little family-owned pancake place. My face lit up as it was my favorite.

I walked inside, smiling as I skipped up to the front desk, Chester muttering something under his breath about how I was more of a child than a teenager. Ignoring my friend I told the girl ‘two’ and she gave us a seat by the window.

It wasn’t until after we finished eating breakfast that I noticed the sign.

Just past the shop and just off the road on top of some old building, was a billboard with Necalli and I’s picture on it; the shoot we did with colorful paint the first day I went to work there last week. The ad was for an obscure paint maker, but that didn’t matter, all that did was that I was in it.

I squealed and jumped up and down in the passenger seat of Chester’s car, and when he asked, I couldn’t do anything but point and scream some more.

Chester laughed al little but congratulated me and told me that he’d take me out for dinner tonight so that we could celebrate this.

I hadn’t really thought about the fact that I was a model and would appear in pictures of things. I didn’t really think that far into it.

“Oh my gosh, Chester…I’m on a freaking billboard!” I exclaimed and jumped up and down again, squealing and hugging him. Thank god he wasn’t driving and we had just gotten in the car.

Chester smiled at me, “Of course Toppin, sweetheart, you’re a star.” He said and kissed my cheek. “But even stars have to go to school…which you are now officially late for.”
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it's my friend jay's and she only has like 4 subscribers and i don't see why because it's an amazing story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sorry for the long wait one month Sari but I am trying to plan out chapters for like.....every story ihav and it's a bit of a rush right now. Once I figure out what i'm doing with each of my stories, this'll be a lot easier.:D and more updates sooner!!!:D
