‹ Prequel: Just One Little Kiss
Sequel: Photograph Me

Kiss Me


We've been at the club for a few hours bow and it's been pretty fun so far. I've never really been to a club, so this was pretty much my maiden voyage, but so far, I liked what I was seeing.

Several of the sights I saw caused my cheeks to flush and look away, pretending that I had in fact hadn't saw.

One of these acts involved Necalli, dancing hotly and...groping hotly with a male stripper on his pole.

Apparently, there was some rule for this club that you drank for free when you came there for the first time, so I didn't hesitate to try some different, expensive drinks, though legally it wasn't allowed.

When I told Necalli this, he just winked and said that one night couldn't hurt and that he knew the bartender from somewhere and he would pretend he never saw me.

I never knew that Necalli was so...into the scene but by the looks of it, he was. When he passed me my first drink, he said something about how his flat was lonely since his pet puppy passed away a month or so ago and so he'd been going out and having some fun to try and not feel the loneliness at home.

I wondered why he didn't like being home, thinking that more so than his poor puppy passing away, it must be something else that made him not want to be there, like family problems, maybe he had no family?

The thought festered in my mind and I frowned at it, wanting to ask him about it, but deciding on doing it some other time; he looked like he was having a darn good time and I wouldn't want to mess with that.

"Looks like I'm not the only one." A voice said and I turned to my left, seeing Kaylent sit down at the bar besides me.

"Not the only one what?" I asked, looking over at him curiously.

He chuckled. "Not the only one not having a good time."

I frowned, a little put off by his words. "I am having a good time..." I said and he shook his head, spinning me on the stool around and pointing towards the crowd dancing to the music.

I saw quite a few people whose raunchy dancing made it look like they should already be in a bed by that 'base' if you get my meaning.

"They are having a good time." He said, looking over at me to see if he made his point.

I blushed a little. "I don't really dance." I breathed out, a little embarrassed.

Kaylent shrugged. "That's alright; let's drink then. Bartender! A round of shots!" He called out, and my eyes widened.

"N-no, I'm just a little tipsy, and I'm fine that way. I don't want to get drunk." I said looking at Kaylent.

He rolled his eyes, "Chill out man, if you're only going to be allowed to drink once before you're legal, you may as well take full advantage of it." He said, and as the bartender put down the shots, Kaylent slid one over to me, taking his and throwing his back.

I had been drinking a few mildly strong drinks, but when I tried to do what he did with the shot, the strong alcohol burned my throat, causing me to cough and gasp a little, looking at Kaylent's laughing face.

"Take it slow at first." He said before calling for another round of shots.

A few hours later, I was barely coherent enough to get the shot glass to my face. Long since, we'd moved to this little booth right next to the bar, where the bartender could still serve us, but where we could be more alone.

I found myself sitting on Kaylent's lap, helping him get the shot glass to his lips; he had drunk about twice as much as I had.

After drinking from another glass, Kaylent shoved my hand down and turned me around on his lap, kissing me full on. I was too wasted to be shocked that the pretty-much-homophobic Kaylent was kissing me.

I tried my best but pulled away, pouting.

"I'm not really good at kissing..."I said, but the slurred words sounded nothing like it.

"I'll teach you." Kaylent slurred back, and I was honestly surprised that I understood what he was saying.

He dropped a hundred dollar bill on the table and pushed me off of his lap, standing up himself and taking my hand, pulling me after him.

Everything afterwards was blurred, like a camera that was unfocused, but everything came back into focus the moment my back hit a bed and I realized that Kaylent was hovering over me, kissing up and down my chest.

I don't know when I'd lost my shirt, but it was now gone. None of that mattered though when Kaylent slammed our hips together, causing me to let out a whiney moan. I'd never even given a blow job, and here I was, about to have sex.

I wrapped my arms and legs around Kaylent as he was undoing the buttons of my jeans and cursed myself for not wearing a loose pair with zippers.

Kaylent groaned, unable to keep his lips off of me as he worked, and I felt his tongue once more lick all over the crevices of my mouth. I moaned and sucked on it, loving the feel.

Finally, Kaylent got my pants off just as the door to the room we were in barged open and I saw someone vaguely familiar turn on the lights and start screaming, another two people behind the screaming person.

I realized that the person was Necalli before I blacked out.
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hope you liked that^.^

this took way to long!!!

thank Abby for htis chapter and reminding me to update!!!!

also, check out this new story
