You can't catch me

October 4, 4:30pm

Police responded to a 911 call by a neighbor saying that there were crashes and screams coming from next door. When the police showed up, the three girls were sitting on the porch, covered in blood. The two older girls didn’t show any sadness in their expressions, but the other one seemed upset. Opening the door the officer stepped halfway inside.

“She’s dead just so you know” said one girl not looking at him. Her voice was cold. The officer continued to enter the house and immediately saw a trail of blood. The blood trail led to a bedroom door. The officer opened the door revealing the scene. The room was in ruins with broken glass and blood everywhere. The blankets from the bed had been pulled down and laid in a pile on the floor. Apparently the glass came from a table in front of the window as the body lay in the middle of it all.

The officer recognized the woman as Jennifer Camille. She was a well-known woman who would always volunteer to help around town. She was on her back, her arms out to the side and her legs bent indicating she had fallen. Her mouth was slightly open and her eyes were open showing nothing but blank green. Her long red hair was fanned out around her. Her clothes were covered in blood with what looked like puncture wounds on her chest and stomach. On the wall above the bed written in blood were the words “You can’t catch me”.

The officer exited the house as the other responders arrived. An ambulance was also called in to check the girls for any injury. Detective Miller got out her car and looked at the house. She entered the house and came out a few minutes later. She walked over to the ambulance where the girls sat. Detective Miller was familiar with this family from past disturbances when the twins would argue with their mom.

“Hello girls” Miler said. All three girls looked up but none of them spoke. Anya began to shift uncomfortably and move her hands behind her back. This caught Miller’s attention.

“Are you okay” she asked Anya. Anya looked at her. Her hands weren’t hidden well and Miller saw that Anya’s hands were covered in blood and cuts.

“Yes” she answered sharply. Miller nodded and turned to Rebecca and Krista.

“Can any one of you girls tell me what happened” Miller asked. Again no one spoke. Anya looked ready to leave, Rebecca looked at the ground, and Krista moved behind Anya.

“Okay well when you girls remember anything or are ready to talk let me know” she said, handing each girl her card. She walked away and back into the house. A few hours later the investigators got all the evidence they needed and the girls were taken to stay with a cousin.
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