Mysterious, That's What I Call You

Solid Ground

I sat on the train, fidgeting with my skirts, trying to ignore the fact that I was stuck on this train with no way out.

I did not do that well in confined spaces.

I reached under my seat and pulled out a old newspaper that someone had left here months ago.

Holmes assists police.

Holmes? Why does that name sound so farmiliar

I read over the article several times, still unable to put my finger on where I'd heard the name, but it at least killed time.


The train's breaks screeched to a halt and I couldn't have jumped from my seat any faster.

I couldn't wait for my feet to touch, solid, still, unmoving ground.

I looked at the letter and the address it contained, and headed off in the direction I suspected it to be.

When I reached the door, an old man opened it, smiling as he stepped out of my way and let me in.

I watched as he left, and followed the sounds of a man screaming, knowing Watson wouldn't be far.

"Watson, please be gentle with me, be gentle! AH!" A man's voice cried, making me giggle as I stepped in the chamber door.

"Well, I must say, I do like the direction this conversation is going in." I teased, putting my hands on my hips as Watson turned away from the curtains.

"Esma." He smiled, stepping over several trinkets and tea pots on the ground to wrap his arms around me. "It's been far to long." He chuckled.

"Well, just look at you! A Doctor!" I poked him in the ribs flirtatiously, even though neither of us felt that way towards each other.

"Esma, I was already a Doctor before you left."

I shrugged. "Ah, details, details. Now, are you going to introduce me to your friend?" I giggled, pointing at the man on the floor.

"Esma, this is-"

The man was up off the floor, his hand holding mine before Watson could finish his sentence.

"Sherlock Holmes, miss." He said politely, kissing the back of my hand.

And I must say, it was quite flattering.

"You're Holmes! Ah! It all makes sense now."

Watson furrowed his eyebrows at me.

"On the train I read a paper of the infamous Sherlock Holmes and I could no, for the life of me, remember where I'd heard that name. But now I do." I turned back to Holmes. "Watson never shut up about you in his letters to me." I said, not completely lying, but he didn't exactly brag on the man either.

"Really?" I nodded. "All good things I hope." He asked slightly, smirking.

I giggled. "No."
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Esma's outfit
I love it. XD

you know that one line "Watson be gentle with me" caused so many girls to squeal. XD cuz hey, that's hot! XD

Selene Michaels