The Dream

The Beach


I watched as he slowly walked along the beach, the water swirling with his bare feet as the tide ebbed and flowed with the rhythm in his steps. His hands were hidden in the pockets of his rolled up pants and the slight wind pressed his white shirt against his chest. His golden hair danced in the wind while his light hazel eyes were distant and faded.

I could tell something was wrong, that something was distracting him even in this sacred place. He wasn’t even looking for me, not like he usually does. He’d normally run down the beach, his gorgeous eyes bright and alert, moving along the water line searching for me.

But not tonight, tonight it seemed like finding me was the last thing he wanted to do.

I quietly waited for him to look up and see me, sitting on a decently sized rock, as water slowly moved around my perch. It seemed like forever before he finally looked up. When our eyes clashed a small amount of relief passed through my body as he sent me a small smile.

But that smile couldn’t erase the evil churning in my stomach.

He quickened his steps, wading through the ankle deep water to get to my side, “Hey.”

His tone was so dispassionate, so empty, that the churning worsened.


He didn’t say anything back, just let his eyes trace over my face as if trying to memorize it. As if he’ll never see me again.

I swallowed against the odd lump in my throat, “What is it? What’s wrong?”

His hand slowly reached up and skimmed against my face, his fingers lightly caressing, “I can’t do this anymore.”

The churning became a storm, “Do what?”

“This,” he whispered, his fingers moving to outline the pointed tip of my ear, “You and me, this world. I’ve become obsessed with it. Even when I’m awake I see you everywhere. I’ve become distracted and I can no longer afford that to happen.”

I shook my head as tears formed in my eyes, “This isn’t something you can just ignore, there isn’t a switch that you can flick on and off at your convenience.”

“I have to try; I’ve practically become a zombie in my world. My family is starting to question why I’m always distracted or sleeping. They think the solution is to get me married.”

“Alright, maybe I can find a way to join you on-”

He shook his head, his eyes turning angry, “No, you can’t do that. It’s too dangerous.”

“But how can you get married if I’m not there?”

His eyes turn sad, “They’ve already found a woman they think is perfect for me.”

My eyes flashed in fury, “Never. I will not allow you to marry this… this… sea witch!”

He gave a light chuckle, “She’s not that bad.”

I glared at him, “You’ve met her? You’ve allowed her to see and touch what’s rightfully mine?!”

He sighed, “No, I’ve only seen her from across a large ballroom full of people. We haven’t even spoken a single syllable to each other yet.”

“Yet? You plan to-“

He placed a finger over my lips, “You don’t understand. She knows and can follow the customs of my people. On land, it’s much preferred for ladies not to say a word. You’d never be able to last, not with your quick mind and sharp tongue, not with your independence and leadership.”

I pushed his hand away, my eyes flashing to meet his, “No, you don’t understand. It’s rare for my kind to find their other half, to know that there’s one person out there that completes them. I can’t just ignore the fact that you’re alive and married to another woman, all because your family commands it?! I am Queen! My word is the last, my word is the only one that matters and I’m saying you cannot do this! I am the only one who can make you happy and love you entirely.”

“I know,” he said sadly, “Just like I’m the only one who can do the same for you, but sometimes fate doesn’t have the same plans as we do.”

“Fate can only place us at the starting line; we are the ones who make the choices and actions that decide our future. You’re choosing to marry this other woman over me.”

He stepped back, his eyes going cold, “Maybe I am. Maybe I’ve decided to make the easier choice for once. Have you ever thought about what I’d have to do to stay with you?”

“Of course I have,” I spat

“No, you’ve only thought about yourself and your position as Queen. I can’t just leave my life behind to live with you in your realm.”

“I’ve offered to live with you! I told you I’d find a way to make it work.”

He sighed, his eyes once again sad, “I can’t do that to you either. Your life is with your people, leading them. Without them you’d fade away until you’re just an outer casing of what you once were. I can’t take you away from those you love.”

The storm in my stomach turned into a tsunami, “I’ll fade away without you.”

Once again his hands encircled my face, “Maybe, but at least you’ll have your people there to give you purpose.”

His hands fell away as he walked backwards away from me, “Sometimes we have to do what’s right for those we love instead of what we want to do.”

He turned away and left me sitting alone, his body fading into the mist that was quickly encompassing the beach.

“This isn’t over and when we see each other again you’ll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream,” I whispered as my mind began to wake, the fog enclosing around me.