The Dream

The Pain


I woke slowly, my eyes still heavy with sleep, as the sight of my throne room greeted me. It was a large golden room with wide open entrances that allowed a variety of creatures to seek my help. My throne was made from the gold that we’d found in the many ship wrecks that were scattered across the ocean and the soft cushions were dyed a dark green from the sea moss that littered the ocean floor.

The ocean is a vast place, with depths that have only ever been seen by the eyes of my people, and at the deepest point, where the only light comes from the soft illumination of the ocean fish, sits the grand city of Lenka.

Lenka is the largest city in all of merkind. History tells that when the magic of the ocean created the first merfolk, it also created Lenka to give them a home.

Lenka is also the capital and the place where I rule over all merkind.

Looking up from the stone floor, my thoughts returning back to the present, I watch as my sister enters the room. Her long black hair flowing behind her as her dark blue tail swished through the water, pushing her forward in graceful moves.

She smiled when she saw me and moved faster, not stopping till she reached my side, “I was just about to wake you. The representatives from Ghondivania are here to speak with you.”

I sighed and push my white hair from my face, “Alright, send them in.”

Airiana nodded and turned around, swimming back to the entrance way, “Your Queen is ready to see you now.”

She moved back to allow the two men from Ghondivania to enter, their God-like handsomeness not disguising the maliciousness in their eyes.

They swam forward, their silver hair and scales glittering in the water. I watched as they approached, making sure to keep all emotions from my face. It’s not right for a Queen to show her true feelings; especially to those she believes have malicious plans.

“Ah, my Queen, you look as lovely as ever,” one of the Mermen said.

He looked to be the eldest of the two, the other a mer of about thirty.

“I’m sure you didn’t travel all this way to comment on my looks,” I replied, sounding bored.

“You’re right, of course. We came to offer you a magnificent deal.”

When their silence continued for more than a minute I raised an eyebrow, “Are you going to tell me about this wonderful deal?”

“Yes, as Lord of Ghondivania- and your ever faithful servant- I and my son have swam the miles of ocean between our two cities to-”

“Get to the point,” I interrupted, my gold scales shining as I shifted on my throne, “I will not sit here listening to pointless chatter.”

“Of course my Queen, my son and I have come all this way to help fix your time management problems.”

I raised my curved brow higher, “My problems? Are you insinuating that your Queen has problems?”

“No! What I meant was-”

“What my father is trying to say, my Queen, is that you have many responsibilities and duties- both of which you complete with grace and poise- but we’re worried about your wellbeing,” The younger merman stated.

When I just sat in silence he cleared his throat and continued, “My father and I are worried that you’re working too hard. That you need some time off to be free to relax and do the things you want to do-”

“A Queen makes sacrifices for her people. Sacrifices I am proud to make.”

“Yes, I understand, we just want to help unload some of those responsibilities so that you’re not constantly bombarded with them.”

This time both of my brow rose, “And just how are you going to do that?”

The younger mer looked to his father, who then turned to me, “By proposing a marriage.”

I narrowed my eyes, “Marriage? Between whom?”

“Between you and my son.”


“But my Queen-”

“Absolutely not. Any man who marries me will automatically become king. That, in itself, is a great responsibility and I will make sure that if I do choose a King, he will be the right man to help lead our people!”

The elder mer looked at me like he was confused, “Don’t you mean the right mer?”

“Excuse me?”

“You said man. That you’d 'make sure to pick the right man' to help you lead. Didn’t you mean mer?”

I blinked, shocked at the mistake I’d made, “Yes, of course I meant mer. You dare question the meaning of your Queen’s words?”

The mer’s eyes rounded in surprise, “No, I meant nothing of the sort! I just wanted a clarification.”

I allowed to let myself relax a little, confident that I’d managed to convince the elder mer.

But I did notice that his son was staring at me, a thoughtful look on his face.

Definitely not good.

Clapping my hands twice I wait for one of my guards to enter the room, “Escort these two mers back to their transport and make sure they go back to Ghondivania.”

The large guard nodded and waved the Ghondivanian’s to the entrance.

“But, my Queen-” the elder began.

“Enough! I will not listen to your talk of marriage or any other deals you have concocted in your minds. Leave on your own will or I will have my guards force you out!”

“Let’s go, father.”

I remained still as my guard escorted them out, my body not relaxing until I felt their presences leave the building. I sighed and slouched in my chair, my head thrown back and eyes closed in frustration.

“So, you haven’t told them your little secret.”

I popped open an eye to glare at Airiana as she swam to me, “How? How can I tell my people- the ones who look to me for advice and guidance- that I’m having The Dream?”

Airiana shrugged, “The Dream isn’t your problem. All of mer kind will be ecstatic to know that their Queen is one of the few to have The Dream. It’ll give them hope that maybe one day they too will be that lucky. It’s who you’re having The Dream with that’s the problem.”

I sighed deeply and lifted my head, “I know. There’s never been a mer and human match before. While there are potions that’ll allow a human to live with us here or a mer to live on land, it’s practically forbidden to have any sort of contact with humans.”

Airiana watched as I rose from my throne and paced to one of the open windows, “You can’t just ignore that he’s out there. If you do you’ll become overfilled with loneliness until you take your own life.”

I closed my eyes in regret when I remembered how just last month a mermaid had taken her life after learning her husband of three years had been killed by a school of rabid sharks.

“I know, but he no longer answers The Dream’s calls.”

Airiana quickly swam to my side, her hand grabbing my arm in a tight hold, “He doesn’t respond? How long has this been going on?”

“A little over a week,” I whispered.

Her eyes widened, “This isn’t good. Most mers start to lose their mind after just a few days if they can't contact their other half. We don’t know how The Dream affects humans. What happened during your last meeting?”

I felt my chest tighten at the memory, thankful that the ocean water hid my tears, “Nothing good. He informed me that he’s getting married,” I turned to look at Airiana, my heart breaking, “To someone else.”

She gasped, putting a slim hand over her mouth in shock, “No. He can’t!”

I nodded sadly, “I suppose he can- and has- fore I haven’t heard from him since.”

“Oh, Marinel, there must be something we can do.”

I shook my head, “There’s nothing.”

I turned from my sister, swimming quickly from the room.

In only a few weeks one single man- a human- has grown to become my whole world. From the very first Dream I’ve been filled with so much passion and love for him that with just a few words he’s ripped everything I hold dear away. I can no longer lead my people with a clear mind. I find myself sleeping as much as I can, hoping to catch him as he’s sleeping too.

If I don’t find him soon, I’ll no longer have the will to go on.