The Dream

The Vials


Twelve nights.

It’s been twelve nights since I last had The Dream. My pain is no longer just emotional, but now physical as well. Both my body and mind ache for him. If only I could just see him, hear his voice, then I might be able to cope.

Even if it is all just a dream.

Pushing my thoughts of him to the back of my mind I try to focus on my surroundings. I was swimming through one of the most dangerous parts of the sea, where giant squid and other carnivorous fish wait to make any unsuspecting creatures big and small their prey. My golden eyes constantly scanned my surroundings while my shimmering tail propelled me quickly through the darkened sea forest.

A deep trench was located to my right, blistering hot water rising from the giant crack. To my left was what I so lovingly call the "Death Trap". Inside that territory lived some of the worst creatures you could ever cross.

Creatures that make serial killers -both on land and in the sea- look like harmless children.

And in front of me is the cave where the most vile sea witch lives. Madam Desdemona is known throughout the sea for her potions and her mean temper.

She’s the only one I know who can help me now.

Taking a deep breath I cautiously enter her cave, moving as carefully and silently as I can. The cave was dark, but thankfully a mer’s eyes can see far better than a human’s. Not only was the cave dark, but it was a long one with lots of twists and turns that made me glad there weren’t any extra caves within it.

I could easily become lost here.

Making another right turn, I finally enter the sea witch’s lair. The large room was filled with millions of pretty bottles and jars, each one containing beautifully color liquid. There was a giant clam, the biggest I’ve ever seen, situated in the middle of the room. It looked as though Madam Desdemona had forced the edges of the mouth to expand up and out then sat the clam on it’s joint, transforming the giant clam into a giant cauldron.

Slowly entering the room I swim to the poor clam. The top edges of it’s mouth just reached above my waist as I gently lay a hand against it’s smooth surface.

“What are you doing? No one touches my things!”

Spinning quickly, I look behind me to see Madam Desdemona glaring at me from the room’s entrance, her eyes white with blindness.

Her skin was an odd ocean green, her face alien-like in appearance. She had a small patch of dark hair in a line going down her head while bony spikes protruded backwards from the side of her head. Under those spikes were a few tentacles complete with squid-like suction cups. Her ears slightly resembled a normal mer’s, where the tip expanded out, but hers had grown two extra tips and were pierced with weird metal symbols. Her chest was covered with more of the metal work, and she had an odd sea weed and metal concoction covering her from the waist to the knee. Beneath that covering were two legs that, instead of feet, ended in fins, as if her tail had been sliced in half.

I stood still as she moved closer, slowly circling around me, her slimy fingers trailing over my skin.

“Ah, Queen Marinel. How wonderful you could visit, though you should have informed me first so I could clean the place up.”

Madam Desdemona stopped in front of me, “What brings you to seek the aid of a lowly servant?”

“I don’t believe you’ve ever been lowly, or a servant, in your entire life, Mona.”

She laughed, “Ah, yes. I do remember our younger days. We used to wreak so much havoc. Do you remember the time we put that great white in the middle of Lenka? Boy, it was great watching all those mers scramble as the shark prowled.”

I flinched, not quite as proud of my rebelling days as Mona was.

Before I could say anything Mona sighed, “Oh, those were the days. I was always sad when you changed for the good.”

“Some of us have to grow up, though I’m not the only one to change.”

Her white eyes flashed, “Yet look who’s here to ask me for help.”

I sighed, but said nothing as she glided away to lightly running her hands over the vial filled shelves.

“So, what potion would you like? Maybe a hallucinogen? Or one that’ll put you to sleep for days at a time?”

I narrowed my eyes at her, “You know about my Dreams?”

Mona laughed cruelly, “I know a lot of things, your Dreams being one of them. Poor Nel, forced into an impossible love with a forbidden species.”

I felt my anger boil at her words, “If you know about my Dreams then you know that I haven’t had them in over a week.”

“Yes and that you’re in pain. Even now your eyes ache for the sight of him, your skin is filled with needle for the want of his touch,” she turned and gave me a knowing look, “and you have unfamiliar needs rising within your body.”

I felt my cheeks blush, thankful that she couldn’t see.

“Yes, your pain is growing worse,” Mona grabbed a purple vial from a shelf, “Here; if you wish to see him again you need to swim to the beach that you see in your dreams. Once there you are to drink all of this liquid,” she held up the purple vial, then grabbed a light green one, “and give this to him as soon as you find him.”

I swallowed and took the vials from her hands, “Why do I have to rush?”

“Because your potion will only last one day, while his will last a lifetime.”

I nodded, “Okay, but why are you so quick to help me?”

“Because, my Queen, everyone has a weakness and I’ve finally learned yours after all these years.”