‹ Prequel: Brand New Start
Sequel: Beautiful Remains

An Unbreakable Bond

Chase -Point of View-

I sat on the couch in the lodge,staring aimlessly at the black TV. I haven't moved from my spot in two days...I couldn't bring myself to move unless I needed too..I haven;t eaten anything either.

Every time Angel or Greg would try to get me to eat,Id run to the bathroom...everything reminded me of Dean..of the man who utterly shattered my heart. "Mom...please...you need to do something..." I heard my son Angel ask me gently.

I raised my head and gazed at me...knowing that my eyes were dull..no longer shining like they did around Dean.... Dean...oh Dean why? Why did you do this to me I thought as fresh tears filled my eyes and I started sobbing.

Once I finally calmed down,Angel and Greg were holding me..I felt bad for them..having to deal with me like this..such a broken mess, I wiped my face "I-I'm sorry g-guys" I hiccuped as I tried to calm down.

"Hush now mom..I'd be a blubbering mess like this if this happened to Greg and I" I heard Angel whisper as he moved us around,laying my head down into his lap as he stroked my hair.

I cried softly as I laid there,missing Dean so much..I wanted him back..god knows I did..but I couldn't deal with the drama anymore..I just couldn't do it.

Time Jump-one week

I woke up to a knock on the door. Angel and Greg were gone so I slowly stood up and answered the door to meet a shocked Geoff and Shaun "Chase..Dear god..." Shawn said as he stared at me...I knew I looked horrible..my face was dull..I was sickly pale and had lost over twenty pounds.

"what are you guys doing here? if your trying to get me to go back Im not going too" I said. Geoff and Shaun looked at each other then grabbed me,pulling me out into the front yard where Dean stood...he looked as horrible as I did...

I tried to pull away,wanting back inside but they held me tightly as Dean started to sing. I froze when I heard his voice...How I missed that voice..how I missed him. I stood there.completely frozen, I didn't even feel Geoff and Shaun let me go as I continued to stare intently at the shattered man in front of me..a man just as shatter as I was.