‹ Prequel: Brand New Start
Sequel: Beautiful Remains

An Unbreakable Bond

Chase/Fred -Point of View-

I laid against Dean,relaxing after our love making. "I was thinking about something Dean.." I spoke softly,tilting my head to look up at him,taking in his beautiful blue eyes.

"Hmmm..and what would that be baby?" he asked,lowering his eyes to look at me. I took a deep breath,thinking everything through before speaking..I wonder how he will take it..I really don't want another fight I thought as I spoke

"I was thinking that maybe..we should take some anger management classes...we could really use them.." I said softly. Dean suddenly looked deep in thought,seeming to take in what I had said before he nodded his head,smiling down at me.

" I think that's great Idea love..we do need them..even some of the guys think so.." He said softly before sitting up and stretching. I smiled as I watched him wonder off to the bathroom. I laid back on the bed and relaxed.

I turned my head,smiling when Dean came out of the bathroom,having pulled on his boxers when he reached the bed "Do you want anything?" he asked as he walked to the door.

Fred's P.O.V

I grinned as I set the water bucket up above Dean and Chase's door along with a bag of flower to follow. I listened carefully from down the hallway,holding onto the string as I waited for the door to open.

After a few minutes, I heard Dean's voice followed by Chase's as he answered Dean's question, I quickly waved the guys over,grinning.

All the guys ran over and hid behind me. I waited happily for the door to open. I watched the door open and Dean walk out and just as he stepped for into the hallway, I yanked the string and watched as the water poured over his body then the flower as well.

Every last one of us--including Chase--bursted into laughter, me and the guys were rolling on the floor,holding our stomachs..I wasn't sure what Chase was doing but I'm sure he was rolling as well.