‹ Prequel: Brand New Start
Sequel: Beautiful Remains

An Unbreakable Bond

Chase -Point of View-

I couldn't believe it...we're were getting triplets!! I thought happily as I scribbled my name onto the paper.

"What do you want to name them?" the woman asked me and Dean..I thought for a moment before smiling brightly.

"Jasper,Kassy and Krystal!" I said happily before running back to the room while Dean signed as well. One of the helpers came into the room and helped be get the babies onto the carriers. I smiled brightly at the woman before grabbing the two girls and carrying them out to the car and getting them buckled in.

I looked up as I buckled them in,smiling happily at Dean as he walked out with the boy. Once he had buckled the boy in, I ran over and hugged him tightly " Thank you so much Dean!" I said happily,kissing him deeply.

"Your welcome...I hope you know i'm not changing any diapers.." he said,holding me tightly before letting me go and getting into the car. I smiled and got in beside him,gazing back at our three new children. I was so happy...three beautiful children who we can start fresh with...

Time Jump

I jumped out of the car when Dean pulled into the house,running to the back door and opening it to get my daughter's out while Dean got Jasper. I carried the girls in happily,having told Fred to set up the empty room for the triplets. Dean followed me up to the room and over to the crips.

I turned when I heard the door open and saw Geoff standing in the doorway,Shaun peeking under his arm,I giggled and waved them over. Shaun shot past Geoff and ran over to me,peeking over the crips to look at the babies

"Their so adorable!" he whispered happily,not wanting to wake them up as he looked at me. I giggled softly and nodded happily.

"I know...I'm so happy!" I said softly,smiling over at Dean who was talking with Geoff..I looked back at Shaun and smiled " Shopping...we totally need baby things" I said happily,earning an eager nod from Shaun as he followed me over to Dean.

I snatched his wallet and grabbed his card before running for the door " I promise not to go over the limit!" I called as we ran down the stairs and out the door,Shaun and I laughing.

I climbed into the car with Shaun and we both left to go shopping..Shaun having managed to get ahold of Geoff's card as well.."Those babies are gonna be spoiled" I laughed,earning a happy squeal from Shaun.