‹ Prequel: Brand New Start
Sequel: Beautiful Remains

An Unbreakable Bond

Dean -Point of View-

I stood there, my entire body shaking. My vision was blurry and the only sound was my blood rushing in my ears. The other guys were there, trying to get my attention, but all I could think about was what just happened.

I looked at my hands, trying to clear my vision. My anger was overpowering me. My hand still stung from the hits I through out. One at the wall .. one at Chase.

Chase... I fell to my knees, my anger still rising. I don't know who the fuck he was talking to, but frankly, I couldn't care at the moment. I looked around that there was now only one person standing in the room with me. I couldn't tell who it was, my eyesight was still blurred. "Dean, can you hear me?" Irish accent. Deep voice. Geoff.

I nodded, staring up at the face as best I could. "Stand up, Dean. Come to me," he said. I obliged and walked over to him. Geoff grabbed my hands and started pushing me backwards. I felt a wall on my back and Geoff pushed my hands above my head.

My breathing was coming is pants, and I felt Geoff stand on my feet, immobilizing me as best he could. I was a good foot taller than him, but damn if he didn't have the strength of both of us combined. "Listen to me, Dean. You need to calm down," he said, his voice calm. As he talked, his voice seemed to break through my haze. I vaguely heard the door open and then Geoff yell.

"Guys! Get him out of here!" I heard people running around. Trying to figure out where they were coming from.

"Let me at him! Damn it! I'm going to kill the bastard!" I heard someone yell. My mind couldn't put a face to it, but my head whipped in the direction of it.

"Dammit guys! Get him out of here now! If I can't get Dean out of his anger, Greg will get his ass killed!" Geoff roared, his hands tightening on my wrists. I saw someone grab the dude who came in, having trouble with him. I then remembered the voice. Greg my mind thought. Apparently he's got a temper, too.

Once the scene was taking away, I focused back on Geoff. "Help me," I said, my voice raspy.

"I'm trying, deep breaths, mate," he said, somewhat loosening on my wrists. I didn't fight back, though I wanted to real bad. As I took deep breaths, I heard Geoff singing. That was clearing up the haze real quick. He knew that him singing is the real way to get me out of this kind of anger.

"After all, we're only human
Always fighting what we're feeling
Hurt instead of healing
After all we're only human
Is there any other reason
Why we stay instead of leaving

He just sung the chorus, but it was enough. I blinked my eyes a few times and looked down into the blue eyes of the one friend whose been by my side since I ran away from home all those years ago. His parents had taken me in and gave me home when my home was no longer welcome. "I'm sorry," I whispered, my voice still a bit raspy.

"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to. You didn't hit me," he said warmly. I nodded and reached for my phone, only to have it taken away. "You can talk to him after I talk with you." The next moment, the last thing I recall was Geoff's hand connecting with my eye.

Time Elapse

After I came to from Geoff's punch, the others took their turns on throwing me a punch. Only Greg is waiting for his chance. At the moment he was in his old room tied to one of the beds.

"Any reason why you claimed Chase was cheating on you?" Geoff asked, his hands clasped together.

"He and some other person were talking love stuff online," I simply stated, as if that was enough to explain myself.

"Thing is, he was telling you the truth when he said he wasn't cheating on you," Shaun said, making me look at him. "I contacted the person he was role playing with -- which is what they were doing, role playing. The characters used were nothing more than fiction. The dude he was talking with -- Keegan -- is his cousin."

I felt my eyes widen. "Oh shit," was all that could escape my mouth. I knew, with my entire being, there was a high chance Chase will never take me back for this.
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the chorus Geoff sang is from the song -- Human
Song credit goes to Jon McLaughlin